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Moving series data point with mouse

Hi All,

Hope someone can help me. I've got a XamDataChart with multiple scatter line series lines. I want to select a certain datapoint on a series and move that point to the users selected position on the chart with my mouse. Is this possible?

Ive got this code so far to give me my mouse position when the user clicks(Mouse down event):

var x = Chart.Axes.OfType<NumericXAxis>().First();
var y = Chart.Axes.OfType<NumericYAxis>().First();
var viewport = new Rect(0, 0, x.ActualWidth, y.ActualHeight);
var window = gearShiftProfileChart.WindowRect;

var position = e.GetPosition(Chart);

var unscaledX = x.GetUnscaledValue(position.X, window, viewport);
var unscaledY = y.GetUnscaledValue(position.Y, window, viewport);

System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("x: " + unscaledX + ", y:" + unscaledY);

Friendly regards


Parents Reply
  • 28925
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted in reply to Roelof

    Hello Roelof,

    The necessary change must be done to the NotifyPropertyChanged method. Simply passing in a string will work for the properties.

    For more details please visit msdn:


     public class Widget : INotifyPropertyChanged
            private double _ValueX;
            public double ValueX
                get { return this._ValueX; }
                    bool changed = this.ValueX != value;
                    if (changed)
                        this._ValueX = value;
            private double _ValueY;
            public double ValueY
                get { return this._ValueY; }
                    bool changed = this.ValueY != value;
                    if (changed)
                        this._ValueY = value;
            public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

            private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
                if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));
