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Adding GroupBy messes up column layout / Hides all data from the Grid when groupby column choice is removed

Not sure what is going on, when I added groupby to my PerformingPhysicianName column the grids columns display seems to get shifted over without removing the columns header

Also, if I remove the Group all the Data from the group disapears

Here is my GridOptions features array

name: "Selection",
mode: "row",
multipleSelection: false,
touchDragSelect: false, // this is true by default
rowSelectionChanged: (evt, ui) => {
let examId = ui.row.element[0].attributes['data-id'].value;
this.router.navigate(['/ExamViewer/' + examId]);

name: 'GroupBy',
type: 'local',
columnSettings: [
columnKey: "PerformingPhysicianName",
isGroupBy: true,
allowGrouping: true
columnKey: "ImageCount",
isGroupBy: false,
allowGrouping: false
columnKey: "VideoCount",
isGroupBy: false,
allowGrouping: false
columnKey: "ExamType",
isGroupBy: false,
allowGrouping: false
columnKey: "MRN",
isGroupBy: false,
allowGrouping: false
columnKey: "PatientName",
isGroupBy: false,
allowGrouping: false
columnKey: "ExamDate",
isGroupBy: false,
allowGrouping: false


Thank for you help 

-Kyle Horton

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