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StackOverflow Exception when grouping by three columns with XamDataGrid.Records.ExpandAll()


I'm using XamDataGrid 15.2 with grouping enabled.  I'm getting a StackOverflowException when I try to group by three columns.  Attached is a sample project.  If you run the project, then try to group by Anesthesia column, followed by Time, followed by Patient Name, you'll get the StackOverflowException.  I'll also attach a screen recording.  I tried to narrow down the problem.  It appears to be a problem because I call the XamDataGrid.Records.ExpandAll(true) in the grouped event handler.  If I remove that call, I don't get the exception.  I tried implementing my own non-recursive method to expand all the groups, but I still get the exception.  Can you let me know what's wrong?


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