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Type Ahead server-side filtering example (Exception thrown : javax.faces.model.ListDataModel)


I've been noticing javax.faces.model.ListDataModel

Exceptions in your ServerSideFilteringPageBean example.

Looks like javax.faces.model.ListDataModel doesn't implement

. Do have an alternative suggestion?

The exception occurs when you have client specified as the param-value in your web.xml file.



The location where state information is saved.

Valid values are 'server' (typically saved in HttpSession) and 'client' (typically

saved as a hidden field in the form.

Default is server.</description>






In the Backing Bean:

 public void onItemsRequested(ItemsRequestedEvent event)
  HtmlDropDown dropDown = (HtmlDropDown)event.getComponent();
  String cv = (String) dropDown.getCurrentValue();
  System.out.println("Updating for "  + cv);
  ArrayList ees = employees.getEmployees(cv);
  List newItems = new ArrayList();
  HtmlDropDownItem item;
  for(int i=0;i<ees.size();i++) {
   item = new HtmlDropDownItem();
  DataModel filteredModel = new ListDataModel(newItems);





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  • 19693

    Hello Ron,

    I took a look at the source code that you have applied in the post and

    I  saw that you are working on our online samples.

    I made the sample too and I am applying the source code in the attached *.zip file.

    I run the sample but I didn't saw any thrown exceptions.

    Please take a look at it and tell me what else  I have to add to the sample to reproduce your case.

    Thank you
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