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WebCaptcha Never Validates

I'm attempting to implement a WebCaptcha (2011.1) in VS2010 using .NET 4.0. Whenever I attempt to validate the results of the WebCaptcha, it fails. On inspection, I've noticed that the Value of the captcha in a breakpoint after postback is an empty string.

I'm attempting to implement it as part of a user registration process inside a CreateUserWizard step.

Here's the declaration of the control in the markup:

<ig:WebCaptcha ID="WebCaptcha1" runat="server" Width="250px">
  <InputValueEditor NullText="write text from image" Width="175px" 
="_editor"></InputValueEditor>   <SubmitButton Text="Submit" Visible="False"></SubmitButton> </ig:WebCaptcha>

It's all the default settings, except for hiding the submit button, but it fails when I use the submit button from the control itself anyway.

Here's the code for checking the validation on CreatingUser event:

Dim captcha As WebCaptcha = CType(Me.RegisterUser.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("WebCaptcha1"), WebCaptcha)
If Not captcha.IsValid Then
   e.Cancel = True
End If

There's not much more code to share but I can put up anything that's needed.
