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Setting editors' width via CSS class


I have checked behavior of several Ignite UI controls regarding setting their width via HTML helper methods. They seem to work fine when the width is set to a numeric value. The problem comes when you don't want to set the width via inline styles, but rather via applying some CSS class on the component wrappers. After some investigation I am able to remove the inline style with this code for those components, which set the width as numeric value :

            @(Html.Infragistics().TextEditorFor(m => m.CustomerName)
                  // .Width(200)
                  .NullText("Enter customer name")
                  .ValidatorOptions(options => options.OnBlur(false).OnChange(false).OnSubmit(true))

From some reason the combo component width is set as string, which is inconsistent from other controls. I can't find a trick to remove the inline style and ended up with following code, which still doesn't work properly :

            @(Html.Infragistics().ComboFor(m => m.ShipMethod)
                  .ValidatorOptions(options => options.OnBlur(false).OnChange(false).OnSubmit(true))
                  // .Width("200")
                  .NullText("Enter shipment method")

Do you have any explanation about the philosophy behind setting widths / sizes on Ignite UI components and more specifically a solution to this problem ?

Thanks in advance !

  • 37874

    Hi Jiri Fajt,

    You can override inline styles using css, for example:

        width: 250px !important;

    Let me know if this helps.

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