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XamcarouselPanel objects fading

Hi, I tried using the carousel control using XamcarouselPanel and XamDataCarousel, it works fine with the xaml code below. what I'm tryng to achieve is:

 1) Make the child control/ objects rotate inside the carousel panel continuously, every child control should appear to user for 2-3 seconds configurable.

2) make the corousel objects always visible when it's in motion, I want to remove the fading effect and make the control visible always, I had gone through the OpacityEffectStops property but not sure how do I achieve inside each control. 

Any idea/ code sample code will be of great use.  

 <Window x:Class="SampleCarousel.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="546" xmlns:my="clr-namespace:Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;assembly=Infragistics3.Wpf.DataPresenter.v7.2">
            <RowDefinition Height="92*" />
            <RowDefinition Height="170*" />
        <igWindows:XamCarouselPanel Grid.RowSpan="2" Margin="47,17,90,39" Name="xamCarouselPanel1" xmlns:igWindows="" FlowDirection="LeftToRight" Loaded="xamCarouselPanel1_Loaded">                      
            <StackPanel Height="20" Width="61">
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" MaxWidth="100" MaxHeight="100"> My Home </TextBlock>
                <StackPanel Height="50" Width="61">
                    <Image Name="Home" Source="Images\house.jpg" Image.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown="Home_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown" ></Image>                    

            <my:XamDataCarousel x:Name="XamDataCarousel1" Theme="Office2k7Blue" BorderThickness="1" Grid.Row="2" Grid.RowSpan="2" GroupByAreaLocation="None">
                <StackPanel Height="61" Width="61">
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center">Home</TextBlock>
                    <Image x:Name="img1" ToolTip="img1" Width="51" Height="51" Source="Images\house.jpg"  />

  • 25

    Okay, setting the XamCarousel view setting made most of them working, I am able to retain the controls without fading, adjust the size etc....

                <igWindows:CarouselViewSettings ReserveSpaceForReflections="False" IsListContinuous="True" ItemSize="300,200" AutoScaleItemContentsToFit="False" />

     I am still trying the figure out the solution for 1st one, I am able to remove the navigator buttons but the controls does not scroll inside the panel, it becomes static. The documentation says "The CarouselPanelNavigator displays buttons that execute XamCarouselPanelCommands when clicked, in order to scroll items" it will be great is someone can provide the sample code, I would post if I can get them working....

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