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How to access ColorStripManager in XamColorPicker?


I am using XamColorPicker and I am able to successfully set the settings for Standard and Derived Color Palette.

What I am trying to achieve is, loop through the colors in Standard and Derived Color Palette.

I kept DerivedPalettesCount as 10.

I can get required color from Standard color palette as ShiftColorPicker.CurrentPalette.Colors[index].Color.

I want to access derived color palette from code behind as above. When I tried it to access as

ObservableCollection<Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives.ColorStrip> colorStripCollection = ShiftColorPicker.ColorStripManager.ColorStrips;

We can do like above ColorStripManager is a protected member.

Please can you tell me how to access ColorStripManager or how to loop through derived color palette?

Thanks in advance.



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