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datepicker issue

hi i using infragistics datepicker but i didnt select any date bydefault date passing so what property i set to datepicker passing null.check bellow code let me

<igsch:WebDatePicker ID="EffectiveStartDate" runat="server" DropDownCalendarID="wbCalender_StartDate"
CalendarAnimation-FadeOpenDuration="500" Font-Names="arial, geneva, verdana, sans-serif" Font-Size="8pt" NullText=""
Width="100px" Height="1px" EnableViewState="false">

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  • 10685
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Thank you for posting in the community!

    I could not really understand your asking, and yet if you are interested in the properties available and their use, I suggest referring to the following resources:
    NullText property details -
    WebDatePicker Class Members , WebDatePicker Class Properties.

    If you want further assistance, please feel free to add more detailed description of your asking, so I could look into the matter for you.

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