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How do I make the grid layout occupy entire whitespace available on exported PDF document

I have been trying to make the grid export to PDF in a WYSIWYG manner

I have been "almost" successful with very less code

void ultraGridDocumentExporter1_ExportStarted
(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.DocumentExport.ExportStartedEventArgs e)
e.Section.PageSize = PageSizes.A4;
e.Section.PageMargins = new Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.Margins(
PageMargins.Narrow.Left, PageMargins.Narrow.Right,
PageMargins.Narrow.Top, PageMargins.Narrow.Bottom);
e.Section.PagePaddings = new Paddings(0);
e.Section.PageOrientation = Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.PageOrientation.Landscape;
e.Section.PageAlignment = Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.ContentAlignment.Center;

I get the fonts, column widths, row height correctly as seen in the grid inside of windows forms container

But the grid layout inside of PDF document does not occupy (stretch or shrink) the entire whitespace available on the PDF document (see red blocks in the attached PDF screenshot) - what am I not doing right?



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