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viewForMarkerInSeries delegate does not trigger on first load

I upgraded to the newest NucliOS Framework 2015 Vol 2 from NucliOS Framework 2014 Vol 1. I am now noticing that my implementations of IGChart are no longer displaying data on their first load. If I attempted to reload the chart it would then displayed. I tested with the same codebase, but with different framework versions implemented.

After some debugging, I discovered that viewForMarkerInSeries delegate was not being called in the 2015 version, on the first load. Using the view hierarchy debugger in Xcode, I can see that all of the appriate chart views have been added, however because that delegate was not called, nothing seems to be rendering. My question is what triggers this delegate? Did something change when this delegate is triggered from within NucliOS for the new 2015 framework version?