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Xam Grid Child pager settings

Hi Team,

I am working on the Xam Grid control. Xam grid Contains a custom pager with some styles.

When a group by is done on the parent grid control. All the child grid controls formed as a result of group by is also inheriting the parent pager settings.

I dont want the parent pager styles to the child. I tried in the following way to remove the styles. But the it is applying for both the child and parent.

  <igGrid:XamGrid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Row="1" 
                           AutoGenerateColumns="False" Loaded="igGrid_Loaded" GroupByCollectionChanged="igGrid_GroupByCollectionChanged" >
private void igGrid_GroupByCollectionChanged(object sender, GroupByCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
            var childgrid= sender as XamGrid;
            if (e.NewGroupedColumns.Count > 0)
                childgrid.GroupBySettings.GroupByColumns.Grid.PagerSettings.AllowPaging = PagingLocation.None;
                //((XamGrid)childgrid.GroupBySettings.GroupByColumns.Grid.Parent).PagerSettings.AllowPaging = PagingLocation.Bottom;
            childgrid.PagerSettings.AllowPaging = PagingLocation.Bottom;

Is there any way that it can be done only the child grids?