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Missing dashboards

I am using two devices iPad & iPhone, both with the latest version of ReportPlus.  Previously when I logged out of my iPhone account and logged back in all the dashboards from my account would automatically push back to the menu, but now I only see the default dashboards.  When I logged out of my iPad and logged back in I lost all of my dashboards, i.e. they did not push back to the iPad.  Fortunately I have backups and was able to import them.  However I don't want to log out again in case I lose the dashboards again.  Can you provide any assistance.

In addition to this, if I sign out, the dashboards from the last signed in account are still viewable on the menu and are also active when opening and refreshing the data.  When I log back in under a different account the previous logged in account's dashboards are active on the menu.  Previously ReportPlus would only display the active account's dashboards. 

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    Verified Answer

    Hi Tony,

    Try to restart the app, and if that doesn't work then log out/in again. 

    There was some issue on the server which is fixed now.

    I hope this helps,

    Best regards