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Infragistics BarcodeReder strange behaviour 2.

This question is an extension to Infragistics BarcodeReder strange behaviour.

While I got my question solved in the previous question then the barcode reader control still behaves strange.

I have been trying to fix this, but somehow it's like it doesn't really want what I want.

To explain the problem short then it is like this:

1st approach:
I have a file watcher which is starting a background worker every time there is a new file in a certain folder.
This background worker uses Infragistics BarcodeReader to decode a QR code.

This works good when there is only one new file in the folder at a time.

As soon as there are more than one file then a System.InvalidOperationException: The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it. is thrown at _barcodeReader.Decode(BitmapFromUri(new Uri(_fullPath))); . And the strange thing is that this exception is not thrown for all files, but only some of them. And every time it is another amount of exceptions.

ExpceptionMessage: The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
ExceptionBody: System.InvalidOperationException: The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.
   at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.VerifyAccess()
   at System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource.get_DpiX()
   at Infragistics.Controls.Barcodes.ImageProcessing.CreateImageFromPixelsArray(Byte[][] data, ImageData imageData, Boolean isImageZoomed)
   at Infragistics.Controls.Barcodes.BarcodeReader.Decode(BitmapSource bitmap, Symbology symbologyTypes)
   at QrDecoderWpf.MyBarcodeReader.DecodeQr() in C:\Users\nawed\Desktop\WorkSpaceVS\TestApplication\QrDecoderWpf\MyBarcodeReader.cs:line 50

With this approach 50% of the QR codes were not giving any result and there were around 10% exceptions

2nd Approach:
This approach is not creating a background worker, and is using BarcodeReader directly to decode QR.
This approach is very slow and time consuming, therefor I prefer the 1st approach with the background worker.
With this approach there were no exceptions and the amount of QR codes decoded were around 90-95%, but around 10% of those 90% had a very strange code like 025, 343, 23425,25266 or 2525. Normally all our QR codes are formatted like DDCCDDDDDDDD.DDD.DD where D = digit (0-9) and C = character (A-Z).

This has frustrated me for very long time now, I hope you guys can help me out.

Thanks in advance!

A sample project with PDF's can be found here (Link available untill 24 November 2016)