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Trigger iggridrowselectorsrowselectorclicked event on iggridselectionrowselectionchanged

Hello, I am using ASP MVC 5 with IgniteUI 2016.2

How can I get evt.rowKey from iggridrowselectorsrowselectorclicked event but I triggered with iggridselectionrowselectionchanged event? Because I will do an action if anywhere in the row was clicked, get the keyID, and send to server using ajax.

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    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support.


    The row key can be accessed by "data-id" attribute of the row.

    So in ui.igGridSelection's rowSelectionChanged event, the key of the selected row can retrieved like below.


        $(document).delegate("#Grid", "iggridselectionrowselectionchanged", function (evt, ui) {

            var rowKey = $(ui.row.element).attr("data-id");



    I have attached the sample application for you.


    Let me know if I may be of further assistance.


    Thank you,

    Mihoko Kamiishi