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Cant find version upgrade utility

Im upgrading the infragistics ASP.NET controls in one of my projects from version 12.1 to 16.2. I have downloaded and installed Infragistics_ASPNET_20162.msi but cant find the version upgrade utility anywhere.Can anyone help?

  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Rana,

    I would like to know when you ran the installer (exe) of 16.2 did you select the ‘Version Utility’ option in the installer? Please find the attachment for your reference.

    If not I would like to either select this option and run the installer again or in your ‘key or download’ section there would be ‘Infragistics 2016 Vol. 2 Version Utility’, you can run this installer to get the version utility.

    Now you can find version utility in this Infragistics folder .The path is   : Start Menu\Programs\Infragistics\2016.2

    You can refer below API document to know how to use version utility:

    Please let me know if you need further assistance on this matter.