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igCombo in igGrid not loading data

I'm trying to use a combo in a grid as follows:

.UpdateUrl(Url.Action("UpdatingSaveChanges", "ItemType"))
.Columns(column =>
column.For(x => x.ItemDesc).HeaderText("Description").DataType("string");
column.For(x => x.SafeWorkingLoad).HeaderText("SWL").DataType("string");
column.For(x => x.InspectionPeriodId).HeaderText("InspectionPeriod");
.Features(features =>
.ColumnSettings(settings =>
.ComboEditorOptions(options =>
options.DataSourceUrl(Url.Action("GetComboData", "ItemType"))

.DataSourceUrl(Url.Action("GetGridData", "ItemType"))

However, the combo isn't loaded with any data, so I'm seeing the Id of the row rather than the text description, and when I try to drop the list there's no data in it.

The data source method is as follows:

public class ItemType : LookUpController<LuItemType>

... SNIP ...

public ActionResult GetComboData()
return View(RsContext.LuInspectionPeriod.AsQueryable());


 And the entity class looks like:

public partial class LuInspectionPeriod
public LuInspectionPeriod()
LiftingItem = new HashSet<LiftingItem>();
LuItemType = new HashSet<LuItemType>();

public int InspectionPeriodId { get; set; }
public string InspectionDesc { get; set; }
public int? InspectionPeriodDays { get; set; }
public int? InspectionPeriodMonths { get; set; }

public virtual ICollection<LiftingItem> LiftingItem { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<LuItemType> LuItemType { get; set; }

When I click on a the cell with the combo I get this error in the console:

jquery.js:9566 GET https://localhost:44307/ItemType/GetComboData?textKey=InspectionPeriodId&valueKey=InspectionPeriodId&toLower=1&_=1492017867793 500 (Internal Server Error)

Is there anything obviously wrong with how I've set this up?