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how to resolve Primary foreign key issue

function dropTree() {

type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "IgTree.aspx/GetTree",

data: {},
success: function (data) {
if (data.d != null && data.d[0] != null) {
if (data.d[0] != null) {
PopulateGridWoSorting("Tree", data.d);

}, error: function (data) {
alert("failed posted data");


function PopulateGridWoSorting(iid, data) {
$('#' + iid).igTreeGrid({
dataSource: data[1], primaryKey: "id",
foreignKey: "ParentId",
//responseDataKey: "results",
dataSourceType: "json",
autoGenerateColumns: false,

 columns: data[0],




// ]]>

i am getting data from database through datatable 

i works when i simply bind grid but

when i uncomment primary and foreign key data get hide except header  and no error occur ....

  • 15320
    Offline posted

    Hello taha,

    Please share your data that is returned from the server, so that I can see it and decide if your treegrid configuration is correct and what should be changed in order to work properly.

