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How to configure a JBoss Seam generated app to use NetAdvantage components ?

We are evaluating the NetAdvantage for JSF. Our application is generated using JBoss Seam 2.0.0GA with ICEFaces 1.6.1. I can reference and render the WebGrid component, but only the header is rendered. The backing bean have a method that returns a list of Employees (List<Employee>) (the jsp samples returns a List not the generic List<>). I've created a new method returning a List but the error persists.

The error message is "The following error occured in getParameterisedBoundProperty: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert [DARTE, Tergus] of type class java.util.ArrayList to class javax.faces.model.DataModel"

It works perfectly with ICEFaces dataTable component but not with your webGrid.

My web.xml have these lines:
<!-- Infragistics NetAdvantage -->
    <!-- Infragistics NetAdvantage -->

The <ig:gridView> dataSource attribute points to emplyees method on the backing bean.