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Can't run sample infragistics-netadvantage.war

Follow guides in Developer guide Help, I copy "infragistics-netadvantage.war" file in Tomcat 6.0. When I stop and start server, run some functions as  "Exploded Pie Chart (2D)",..., error occurs as bellow.

I also copy "infragistics-netadvantage.war" in directory "Deploy" of JBoss 4.2, when I start server, it can't deply "infragistics-netadvantage.war", error as bellow.

Please help me. Thanks.


Error on Tomcat:

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /featurebrowser/webchart/PieOverlayExploded2d/index.jsp(72,4) Cannot coerce value (80) to type (java.lang.Number) for attribute radius.

Errror on JBoss:
17:56:20,112 ERROR [[/infragistics-netadvantage]] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.config.JBossJSFConfigureListener
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration cannot be cast to com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration
at com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.getInstance(
at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(
at org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.config.JBossJSFConfigureListener.contextInitialized(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(