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i have button in onc column in ultrgrid in vb,net i want to display text and handel that click event how it will be do?


i have a ultra grid with one button column  field that is i want to display that text "permissions" on that button space and at the same time Handel that click event for writing code what is the way to do . i am new comer to this ultragrid so if you have any idea give that me ..  for adding button my code is


        e.Layout.Bands(0).Columns("DocumentCategories").Style = UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.Button
        'e.Layout.Bands(0).Columns.Insert(7, "View")
        e.Layout.Rows.Band.Columns("DocumentCategories").ButtonDisplayStyle = UltraWinGrid.ButtonDisplayStyle.Always

what is the remaining code   to display constant text on button and Handel click event of that button