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Why does my dashboard doesn't update the data that changed or was added to my data source?


You've added a data source to ReportPlus and created a dashboard based on it. After this, some data changed, or was added to your data source but your dashboard doesn't reflect these changes.


ReportPlus doesn't update data changes automatically to prevent excessive bandwidth/network consumption. In order to update the dashboard you need to tap the Refresh button, located to the left of the Actions and Edit buttons:

Once you tap this button the dashboard will re-load all the data used by the dashboard -- you will notice that all panels display a loading animation:

As soon as the load completes the changes will be reflected by your dashboard.

If you need to update a spreadsheet you have in Local Files, the process is similar. You just need to Open In the updated spreadsheet from your app (Numbers, DocumentsToGo, Dropbox, Mail, etc.) in ReportPlus. ReportPlus will give you the option of updating the original file:

If you choose to update it, ReportPlus will overwrite the original document with the new version.

Once the new file is in Local Files you'll need to refresh the dashboard as explained before.

I hope this helps.

Take care,