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How to display the beginning part of the data in XamComboEditor after a user selects.

The data on my comboboxeditor is so long but i want to be able to display the beginning part of it after the user selects.

Please help 

<ig:XamComboEditor x:Name="txtPreparerList" Grid.Column="3" Height="22" Margin="0,2,0,5" Width="180" Grid.Row="2" SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedIndexForPreparerList,Mode=TwoWay}"
CheckBoxVisibility="Visible" ItemsSource="{Binding PreparerList, Mode=TwoWay}" DisplayMemberPath="FirstName" SelectionChanged="txtPreparerList_SelectionChanged"
AllowMultipleSelection="True" TabIndex="7" ></ig:XamComboEditor>