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Format and Edit column in a ultragrid

Hi, Please help me out with this problem.

I am trying to edit a cell in ultragrid. Column format is set so the displayed data is correct, but when I enter edit mode, the value changes to some other formats.

I did a search and tried to use MaskInput for edit mode, but I can't solve my problem. I ll show an example.

I have value 100.00 in the cell, the format property is set to make it display 100.00, but when I edit it, it become 100.0000, I want to keep it at 100.00.

I tried to set MaskInput as nnn.nn, but the input value may not be 100.00 in other cells. another cell has value of 12345.55 and maskinput as nnn.nn doesn't work.

I also tried to set MaskInput as nnnnnnnn.nn, then the value of 100.00 become _______100.00 in edit mode, which is also not what I want.

How do I keep the value of 100.00 in edit mode to match the display mode?
