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Metro.xamCalendar missing resources?

After including the Metro.xamCalendar resource dictionary into my project and applying a ResourceWasher to the resource dictionary, my XamCalendar instances are still coming up with the default Metro colors without my wash applied. I have used this same technique on many other IG DefaultStyle resource dictionaries but it doesn't seem to be working for the XamCalendar.

In the debugger I am getting missing resource messages such as:

The resource with a key of LeadingOrTrailingItemBackgroundBrush when verifying Infragistics.Controls.Editors.CalendarResourceProvider's ResourceDictionary is not valid. it should not be a [null].
No resource found for key: LeadingOrTrailingItemBackgroundBrush.

The resource with a key of LeadingOrTrailingItemBackgroundBrush when verifying Infragistics.Controls.Editors.CalendarResourceProvider's ResourceDictionary is not valid. it should not be a [null].
No resource found for key: LeadingOrTrailingItemBackgroundBrush.

The Metro resource dictionaries are merged into my resources:

<ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/Metro/Metro.xamCalendar.xaml" />

This is how I apply the wash. The same way I've applied the wash to many other Metro resource dictionaries.

<igThemes:ResourceWasher WashMode="HueSaturationReplacement"
WashColor="{StaticResource MetroWashColor}">
<ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/Metro/Metro.XamCalendar.xaml" />

I can't find references to these resources in the Metro.xamCalendar resource dictionary.

Do you have any suggestions?
