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Older Ignite UI version - new jQuery vesion


Is it possible to have Infragistics Ignite UI 2012.2 running with jQuery 2.1.3? If so, how could it be managed? Currently it throws an error $.browser is no more part of jQuery as it has been removed in 1.9.X.

Any ideas on that?

Kind regards,


  • 10685
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Steve,
    Welcome to the community!

    According to our supported-environments page, in order to use jQuery versions 2.1.1 and later, the required version of IgniteUI is 14.2.
    For example, if you would like to use jQuery 1.9.1 and later, should use IgniteUI13.1 and later.
    Regarding the deprecated $.browser functionality, it still could be used it in later jQuery versions with some custom modifications, but it is not advisable and it is suggested to use feature detection like Modernizr instead of browser detection. You could find more details and possibilities if interested here:

  • 10685
    Offline posted

    Please let me know if you have additional questions regarding this topic.