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Problems with UltraComboEditor and ValueLists in UltraGrid


I´m having some problems when I add a column with a UltraComboEditor to a ultragrid. The UltraComboEditor have a ValueList and when I load the grid all looks ok but when i try editing a row I get an error "Unable to update the data value. Unable to convert from system.string to system.Int32".

This is my setup:

var valueList = new ValueList();

var items = new ValueListItem[]
new ValueListItem(1, "one"),
new ValueListItem(2, "two"),
new ValueListItem(3, "three")


var ultraComboEditor = new UltraComboEditor()
ValueList = valueList

ultraComboEditor.CheckedListSettings.CheckBoxStyle = CheckStyle.CheckBox;
ultraComboEditor.CheckedListSettings.EditorValueSource = EditorWithComboValueSource.CheckedItems;
ultraComboEditor.CheckedListSettings.ListSeparator = ", ";
ultraComboEditor.CheckedListSettings.ItemCheckArea = ItemCheckArea.Item;

var gridTable = new DataTable();
gridTable.Columns.Add("column", typeof(int[]));
gridTable.Rows.Add((new int[] { 1, 2 }));
gridTable.Rows.Add((new int[] { 1 }));
gridTable.Rows.Add((new int[] { }));

ultraGrid1.DataSource = gridTable;

ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[0].EditorComponent = ultraComboEditor;
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.AutoFitStyle = AutoFitStyle.ExtendLastColumn;

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