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Status: New
Allow excel style pasting into ultragrid

I'd like to be able to select a grid of cells in excel (for example) then click on a single cell in the grid and paste the excel data into the grid starting at the cell I've selected as the top right cell. So if I've selected a 5 by 5 array of cells in excel, and click on grid cell 3,3 then paste, I want my data to be pasted into the grid cells from 3,3 to 7,7. Expecting the user to manually count the number of cells in the source data, then count the same shape out in the grid is unrealistic, in general

  • If more rows are selected than will fit in the grid from selected cell, behaviour should be dependant on whether the grid is set to allow adding of rows. If it is, then new rows should be added to allow the paste to complete in full. If it isn't then the selection should be truncated and only those rows that fit should be pasted
  • If more columns are selected than will in the grid, then I'd be happy for it to truncate the excess columns. In a databound scenario I don't really see what else can be achieved
  • If the user tries to paste multicell data when in a grid cell that is in edit mode, the cell should exit edit mode first then behave in the way described above