Utilizing the Framework’s built-in capabilities for spell checking makes adding spell-checking support to the XamDataGrid a breeze.
Basically, you just need to turn on spell checking for the editor that is being used in the…
One of the common tasks that many end-users have is to copy data from an application to Excel or Word or any other Windows Apps. The way to do this is to copy items to the Clipboard and Microsoft provides a really nice class that makes this simple to…
Validation in the XamDataGrid is currently handled through the ValueConstraint class off of the Editors. Using this class you can do things like set a trigger to change the border of a cell to red when an invalid value it entered. This article shows off…
Get a quick tour of the NetAdvantage for Win Client :: WPF 2010.1 release.
Learn to use the DataValueChanged event on the XamDataGrid to change the presentation of grid cells when the underlying data changes.
Duration: 5:29
Explore End-User Customization with the XamDockManager. This video walks through the different parts of the xamDockManager as well as how to load and save layouts. It is part of the screencast series on building an LOB Application with NetAdvantage for…
This video is an overview of the code and exercies in the Lab #2 of the Healthcare CRM Reference Application found at http://healthcare.codeplex.com. This video will help you understand Azure Blog Storage, how to list/add/delete blob containers and entities…
FixedFields in the XamDataGrid is a quick way to improve the User Experience of your next application. In this screencast, you will learn how to enable fixed fields, and the custom options available. This screencast covers the settings around FixedFields…
Dive into setting up the shell of a LOB Application built using NetAdvantage for WPF. This screencast highlights setting up the XamRibbonWindow, XamRibbon, and XamOutloobar.
Learn to enable clipboard support on the xamDataGrid. See how you can copy rows from the grid, paste the contents into a text editor and then past the edited values back into the grid.
Duration: 3:56
Wondering what's new in the 2009 Volume 2 release for WPF? Watch this video to find out the latest and greatest including Clipboard Support, Excel Exporting, Field Chooser and more!
In this video, you will learn how to render items along a custom path in the XamCarouselListbox control.
Explore building a LOB WPF application with NetAdvantage for WPF. This screencast focuses on Data Visualization and covers the xamDataGrid and the xamChart.
Wondering how to enable the Field Chooser? This quick tutorial will get you started with both quickly enabling it and setting a few properties on it.
This video demonstrates the built in ability for the XamDataGrid to render column types based on the data, as well as it's customization using CellValuePresenters. If you want to learn more about this, check out http://healthcare.codeplex.com and…
Allowing users to filter data in the XamDataGrid is a great way improve readability and searchability of data. In this screencast you will learn how to enable record filtering, and the available options. This screencast will show how to set up your own…
This video summarizes the user interface and code in the Aqua project. You'll hear the team talk about the application, and you'll gain insight to why decisions were made and what makes Aqua really shine! To get the source code and learn more about…
Learn to export data from the XamDataGrid to Excel. Explore some of the export options including designating how the program reacts when the export encounters a file size limit.
Duration: 7:20
Explore the NetAdvantage for WPF toolset with a comprehensive webcast series that covers the highlights of the different controls. The finished product of the series exemplifies a lot of functionality with minimal time spent coding the UI.
Enable collaboration for your users quickly and easily. This screencast covers Infragistics.Reporting and highlights how to hook your xamDataGrid up to a print preview window and shows how easy it is to print the xamDataGrid.
Wondering what's new in the 2009 Volume 1 release for WPF? Watch this video to find out the latest and greatest including record filtering, fixed fields, and more!
The XamDataPresenter is a look-less control and has the ability to display multiple views. The two views that it currently ships with are a GridView and a CarouselView. Essentially, with the underlying model that provides things such as hierarchical databinding…
Save Layout
using System.IO; ... using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("layout.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { this.xamDockManager1.SaveLayout(fs); } ...
Load Layout
using System.IO; ... //Load the layout…
Save Customizations
using System.IO; ... using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("xamDataGridLayout1.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { this.xamDataGrid1.SaveCustomizations(fs); }
Load Customizations
using System.IO;…
Turn on Alternate Row Highlighting:
<igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="XamDataGrid1" BindToSampleData="True" > <igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings HighlightAlternateRecords="True"/> </igDP:XamDataGrid.FieldLayoutSettings…