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  • Export to Predefined Excel with multiple headers


    I Have a very complex predefined Excel template. It is having multiple column headers like main headers and sub headers.  But I need to do is export the data from xamgrid to the predefined excel template. 
    The problem is some columns are hidden and…

  • Currency format In excel column using Infragistics Excel

    Hi ,

    In our application I am using Infragistics.Excel to export the file. But I am not able to apply the Currency format for numeic values.  Please how can i specify the currency format.

    Ex:- 10,235.00 Ex: 0

    Could you please respond soon will be appreciable…

  • Want ot set RowHeight of the Excel row.


    I want to set the Row height of the Excel row to some specifc defined value. I have used the below source code. But It didn't work.

        string resourceFile = report.ExportTemplateFilename;
                    StreamResourceInfo sr1 = Application.GetResourceStream…

  • Not creating the excel file for large Datatable throwing error


    I am using INfragistic EXCel to create a Excel file in server folder[Service layer]. It creates a file only if datatable has very few records.
    if dataTable has more records than it throws a Exception "Stream does not support reading". Please let me…

  • Problem with CreateNewWorksheetCellFormat Method


    When I try to create a new CellFormat with the instruction (dataworkbook is a Workbook object) : IWorksheetCellFormat objCellFormat = dataWorkbook.CreateNewWorksheetCellFormat();

    I've got this error : NullReferenceException was unhandled by user…

  • Formatting not applied

    I'm using Excel export with the Infragistics.Excel library. I'm trying to format the CellFormat.FormatString to display numbers in the sheet the way I want. For sample purposes I'm using the FormatString found in one of your examples
