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  • Error Encountered While Exporting Large Data Set by using UltraGridExcelExporter. Export

    Hi All ,

    I am reaching out to address a critical issue that we are currently facing while utilizing the export method within your software library.

    Our team has been using the export functionality to export sizable data sets, and we recently encountered…

  • Index out of range error when exporting an UltraGrid to Excel

    We are using NetAdvantage 10.2  CLR2x (build 10.2.10201.1004) and have an UltraGrid displaying data in a usercontrol that is in a dock pane using an UltraWinDock.UltraDockManager

    We added a right-click content menu to export the grid to Excel and PDF.

  • [Excel export] Format of date & currency columns Lost

    I am currently working on trying to figure out why Custom formatting gets lost when exporting to excel. We use the following formatting:

    aBand.Columns[OrderKeys.ContractValue].Format = "C";
    aBand.Columns[OrderKeys.CancelDate].Format = "MM/dd/yyyy…

  • Export a subpart of a Grid to excel with GroupBy rows


    I am trying to export a grid to excel. It works fine with a flat grid (even only selected lines), or when I export the whole grid.

    When I sort the grid by more than one column, and I select a group which is under another group, I have a problem…

  • export to excel starting on 3 row of worksheet

    I'm using the UltraGridExporter and works great. But I want to start exporting on the Third row of the worksheet. I've seen code for the ExcelStartRow but that appears to be for the WebGrid. It doesn't show up as an option for me. How can I export starting…

  • Excel Exporter Header Line

    Is there anyway after I have exported my grid, and before I save it to insert a new row at the top of the worksheet that has a long description of what my grid is about? I am using 8.3 about to upgrade to 9.2, but have still not found a way to do this…

  • Export to a Excel with UltraGridExcelExporter

    I have a Ultragir with information and I used a UltraGridExcelExporter to export the grid to a excel and the result of the export is this:


    Is there any way to tell the UltraGridExcelExporter to insert text in excel and then after this text the  UltraGridExcelExporter…

  • Cannot set excel cell format


    I'm getting an exception for halving a string more than 32767 characters when exporting my data from UltraGrid to Excel. To handle this I am creating another worksheet and setting the value on the new worksheet and breaking up into multiple cells…

  • Cannot Set Excel Cell Format


    I am using UltraGridExcelExporter Export method to data from UltraGrid to Excel. During the export, I am receiving an exception for trying to set a string value with more than 32767 characters into a cell. My work around is to intercept this exception…

  • Exporting multiple grids to same excel spreadsheet

    is there a way to export multiple grids to the same excel spreadsheet using the ultragridexcelexporter?

  • Multiple Ultragrids export in Same workbook (in version: 6.0.20063.1091)

    Dim uWorkBook As WorkBook = Nothing

    Dim sTempFileName As String = "krish.xls"

    If uWorkBook Is Nothing Then

        If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(sTempFileName) Then


        End If

        uWorkBook = mExcelExp…

  • export ultragrid with ultragridexcelexporter to excel 2007 (.xslx)


    I am using VS 2010 prof. and Infragistics2.Excel V 10. I am able to export the ultragrid rows and column (including headers) to excel 2003. But i am unable to export the ultragrid rows and columns to excel 2007 (.xslx). I am getting error as IPacageFactory…

  • Export to Excel, crashes form on subsequent attempts

    Infragistics Version 2011.1

    Winforms application built in VS 2010

    I have a screen in which the end users can build a query and then the results go to an ultrawingrid.  If the users chooses...they can export the grid to Excel using the ultragridexcelexporter…

  • Is there a way to let the user choose the location to export a grid to excel?

    Hi People,

    I'm using UltraGridExcelExporter to export a grid to excel. I give two arguments to it, the Grid and the location, Is there a way to let the user select the location to export the grid? I'm expecting something like the SaveFileDialog in Windows…

  • Integer as string while import data from ultraGrid to Excel

    I have a table in database with one integer and one varchar column and in both I'm storing number values. while I'm displaying the same in grid I'm getting integer as string type. so while exporting the same to excel sheet(using  ultraGridExcelExporter…

  • Excel Export of Summary Calulation

    I have built a bound grid that has a column called [SALES] and there is a summary with a Key called [TotalSales]

    I added an unbound column called [PerOfSales] that uses the following calculation with CalcManager

    [SALES] / [TotalSales()]  and is formated…

  • How to set the TargetPaperSize of UltraGridExcelExporter


    I using the UltraGridExcelExporter to export gird to excel ,but when print  the worksheet exported ,the default  pagesize is always Letter.While I export with Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application ,default  pagesize is A4.

    So,Is there any way to…

  • Export a data to an excel file

    how to export data from a ultragrid to an Excel file using UltraGridExcelExporter ???


  • Can the UltraGridExcelExport export the data columns as they are formatted in UltraWinGrid?


    Specifically, I want to export data, with its numeric formatting intact into a new excel spreadsheet. All works fine, however the number formats(#,##0 and $#,##0.00) defined in the WinGrid designer are only exported in the column grand totals. How…

  • Unable to export Grouped Columns/Rows in UltraGrid with UltraGridExcelExporter


    I am using Visual Studio 2010 Prof and Infragistic2.Excel V10.1. I am able to export the ultragrid rows and columns with Column Headers to Excel perfectly (without grouping the columns in ultraGrid). But when the columns are grouped in UltraGrid,…

  • export Grid to ExcelReport



    can someone help me to make the follow:

    I 've a grid with data

    I want export these to an excelSheet..

    But this excelSheet should have a reportHeader and a reportFooter like:

    logo                               date

    info client
    info client
    info client

    gridData    gridData   gridD…

  • more that one grid in excel file

    Can the ultraGridExcelExporter export two grids in the same excel file ?


  • Exporting excel formulas

    Hi, I'm trying to export to one excel document some data in a DataTable using Infragistics.Excel, and I would like to export some formulas (for example for the summaries..).



  • Cannot Set BorderLineStyle


    I  wrote the following code:

    Private Sub UltraGridExcelExporter1_CellExporting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ExcelExport.CellExportingEventArgs) Handles UltraGridExcelExporter1.CellExporting
        With e.CurrentWorksheet…