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  • Find and Binding Template Columns from Code Behind

    In my xamWebGrid i have dropdown inside. Code is attached in xaml.txt. Please have a look there. What i want is to bind itemsource from code behind. But i am not able to find the control from code behind
  • XamWebGrid FilterRow - Setting default operator

    I have enabled the filterrow in my xamwebgrid and wish to set a default filter operator pr column. Is there an easy way of doing this ?



  • Format String

    I'm new to XAML and I'm trying to convert a decimal value in the following format :

    convert 45000  to  45 000.00

    What is the correct format string?


    So far I'm able to convert the value to currency but I don't want to show the $ sign…

  • Filtering options missing

    I'm creating a XamWebGrid with filtering enabled but I only get two options for filtering: Equals, Not Equals. In your sample browser there are a lot more options for filtering. My columns are also textcolumns and the datasource fields are strings so…

  • How select all rows in xamWebGrid


    I'm using NetAdvantage WebClient Trial 2009.2 to evaluation.

    I want to implement "Ctrl-A" like function.

    So I need to select all rows in xamWebGrid.

    I try this code first:

    foreach (var x in webgrid.Rows)

  • focus on textbox when editing

    I am using a templated column for editing.  i have multiple text boxes in a Grid in the EditorTemplate.

    I am trying so set Focus when going in to edit mode using:

    Private Sub dgPO_CellEnteredEditMode(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                             ByVal e As Infragistics…

  • Creating template column programmatically

    Hi, I need to create template column programmatically. Is it possible to create template column programmatically without using XmlReader? I need event handler for template column control. So I don’t prefer XmlReader.

  • Override Tab behaviour

    We have a solution where we need be able to only tab between editable cells in a grid. The default behavior of the tab is to select the next cell in the grid. Is there any way to override this, so that clicking tab the grid will select the next editable…
  • Summation not updating

    I have two columns, one is a simple textbox control and the second is a 3rd party numeric control.

    When I make a change in the first column and use an arrow key to go to the next row, the summation immediately updates.

    But for the second column, the…

  • Word wrapping

    I have my grid with star sized columns, and I need word wrapping on.  However, if the columns are star sized, the wrapped text does not automatically expand the row's height to display all of the text.  In the picture I have attached, the text in the…

  • XamGrid UnboundColumn Filtering


    I'm trying to achive unbound column filtering through code. For a normal column I'm able to set the rows filter which starts the filtering on the grid. But I couldn't find a way to do it for the unbound colum.


  • XamWebGrid, ObservableCollection of custom DynamicObjects -> key(s) do not correspond with the DataSource

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE …

  • How can I enable the Summary column by default?

    So I have added a summation to my column.

    The grid loads, I have to manually enable it by checking the box.

    How can I just have it enabled on load of the grid ?



  • DatePicker in UnboundColumn

    When I have a DatePicker control as my EditorTemplate for an UnboundColumn and I type in the date as oppossed to clicking the calendar icon to select one... then I click into the next cell in the same row, the ItemTemplate for the cell doesnt get updated…

  • Custom footer style & height?

    I'm trying to create a grid with 20px height header & rows, with a 10px height footer. Thus far, I've managed to style the footer row with a different background color; however, I'm struggling with adjusting the footer height properly.…

  • XamWebGrid TemplateColumn control at runtime

    My Grid Code is like below...

     <igGrid:XamWebGrid InitializeRow="XamWebGrid_InitializeRow" CellEnteredEditMode="XamWebGrid_CellEnteredEditMode" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" MaxDepth="1" RowAdded="XamWebGrid_RowAdded" Height="400…

  • Exception in Grid while Grouping

    I am using the grid and I have a number of unbound columns...

    This only happens while the grid has grouping enabled, when I change a value of a cell it throws this error....

    I can give more information if needed, I am going to try to throw together a…

  • Issues while using XamWebgrid

    Hi I have few problems while implementing xamwebgrid. I am using VB as code-behind. 1. I need a easy way to bind xamweb grid. I dont find any helpful resource either on your documentation of local samples. I have WCF service returning list, now…
  • Boolean Converter

    I have a xamGrid that is bound to a table with a column that is a boolean. Of course the value is displayed as true/false and I need to have it displayed as t/f. How to I do this?

  • xamWebGrid reuse causes selection issue

    I've encountered an issue that I am guessing is a bug caused by IG virtualization/grid reuse.

    I have one user control containing a XamWebGrid (named "mainGrid") which is bound to rows of one type (e.g., ParentClass).  When I double-click…

  • access Button control from template column in XamWebGrid_InitializeRow event

    Is there any way to access Button control from template column in XamWebGrid_InitializeRow event ?

    <igGrid:TemplateColumn Key="Edit" Width="50">
                                                            <Button x:Name…

  • how to update column value in fmentioned scenario...

     <igGrid:ColumnLayout Key="StepParameterList" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
                                                            <igGrid:AddNewRowSettingsOverride AllowAddNewRow="None"/>

  • Retrieve all rows from XamGrid with paging

    I have used XamWebGrid in my page and use the default paging as well.

    I kept the page size as 5.When I am adding new rows to the grid.means suppose there are 7 rows in your you will get 2 pages.but when I try to save on the basis of loop through…

  • add Row to XamWebGrid from code behind

    private void XamWebGrid_CellExitingEditMode(object sender, ExitEditingCellEventArgs e)
                Infragistics.Silverlight.Controls.RowBase r = e.Cell.Row;           
                // Ensure using correct cell and editing has not been cancelled           
                if (e.Cell.Column.Key == "StepDescription…

  • Unbound Column Exception

    I have attached a simple project recreating my scenario.

    Version : 10.2.20102.2005

    When I click into different cells back and forth I get an unhandled exception

    "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object"

    More of the…