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  • AutoComplete without dropdown but completed on Return

    I am using AutoCompleteMode.Append on an UltraCombo for navigation of my page. However as the user types the page refreshes through a sequence of selections that are totally irrelevant.

    I have then tried to use AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend which provides…

  • Issue with Autocomplete in UltraCombo


    I am using an UltraCombo control. I need to display results based on the multiple columns (4 columns displayed in the resulting grid). Hence, I am making use of a DataView to filter a dataset based on the user input in the combo.

    I am able to see…

  • Possible AutoSuggestFilerMode Issue (v10.1)

    First off, thanks for the new "Contains" feature. It works great with one possible exception.

    One of my WinCombo's datasource is a list of Statuses, two of which have DisplayValues of "Issued" and "Re-Issued". The AutoCompleteMode is set to…

  • Clear text selection after DropDown


    I'm using an UltraCombo with a BindingList bound to it.

    I'd like to implement my own AutoCompletion feature. Therefore I've set the AutoCompleteMode to None, on KeyDown, the Combo is dropped down explicitly having the appropriate column filters…

  • AutoComplete and Suggest related issues


    I am having a UltraCombo and I have using a IBindingList as datasource for the dropdown grid. Each entity in the IBindingList has 12 properties. I have defined valuemember and displaymember for the control. I am displaying only 2 columns in the grid…

  • Re: UltraCombo ValueChanged event fires twice

    I ran into the same issue.  In some cases the RowSelected event gets fired twice.  Just to add background information, it is using the AutoCompleteMode = SuggestAppend. 

    I think what is happening there is the AutoComplete event is changing the value when…