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  • Ultragrid Level 3 band not Visible

    The ultragrid that I am working has three level bands in it and for some reason the Level 3 band is not visible.
    I am using ultraDataRow.GetChildRows(childBandName).SetCount(5) to create new rows on the grid.
    On click of a button column on a row(Level 2…

  • Hierarchy in Ultragrid add new row problem

    I'm using the entityframework. I've bound it to a wingrid. The wingrid automaticly detects band[0] and band[1]. (Salaryscale and salaryscalestep).

    Everything works fine on band[0] (add and update). But on band[1] the update works, but when trying…

  • WinGrid - Changing Band(0) Affects Band(1) - Help

    When changing a checkbox column on band(1) "ISREQUIRED" to be left aligned it makes a completely different (key = "CLOSE") column in band(0) also left-aligned. Can't seperate the two ... ALSO changing the autofitstyle on one band changes it on the other…

  • UltraGrid - ConditionAppearanceRow


    Within a WinForms UlraGrid, I am looking for a means (via code) to alter the appearance of an entire row, whenever a targeted column value meets a certain condition.  For example, I already know that I can target the respect cell via the ConditionValueAppearance…

  • Not enough context error

    I am trying to add rows to a band but keep getting this error: "Not enough context to add a new rpw.  Either a row in this band or the parent row has to provide for enough context."

     Here is the code:

                                  for (int i = 0; i < nQty; i++)

  • Row deleted

    In the event Grid.AfterRowsDeleted,
    How can I find the band.index of the row deleted?

    Thank you

  • Using a control as a child of a ultragrid row


    1) Can we use a control (like a panel)  as a child of a row in ultragrid. I need to place a panel containing some controls, in a way so that when the row is expanded, the panel can be seen along controls present in it.

    Is there some way to do this…

  • How to display only a child band (hide the parent band)?


    I  am using NetAdvantage 2011.1 UltraWinGrid and UltraDataSouce. The grid has two bands (a parent and a child). At times I wish to only display the children using the same grid band layout of the child as defined in the parent/child.

    I know that…

  • Hide band(1) (DataSet.Relations)

    I have a DataSet with 2 tables and one relation between the two tables (pDataSet.Relations).
    I have 2 grids, one for the master (his DataSource is the DataTable for the master table) and the other for the child (his DataSource is the DataView for the child…

  • How to determine the number of bands that are truly bound?

    I have a tree grid where I'm binding to a collection with sub-collections.  I have no more than seven levels of sub-collections and therefore should only see seven levels in my tree grid.

    How do I tell from the grid the number of true bands that have…

  • New row, is it possible?

    I have this grid with 2 diferent bands. I was wondering if it's possible to put the add new row when the band(0) have no band(1) under him (but not when it does).

    Im not sure if im explaining myself very well. The first row of this pic, have no…

  • Unbound Checkbox Column

    Good day,

    I'm making a report which requires to select certain rows and send a notification to an email regarding the selected rows, I managed to insert the column via the InitializeLayout event and this code:

    private void igrReportTickets_InitializeLayout…

  • Tooltip on third band


    I need to set a tooltip on the first cell (button cell) in the third level band in my grid . How could i do that ? I can't find how to refference theese child rows ..



  • How: Band (0) Full Width - Child Band (1) Manual Width

    Hi there!

    I came here in my last resort.. I am trying to put my WinGrid with the band(0) full width screen, ok no problem, but my child band(1) width a manual width..

    My problem is that both the bands have a full width, i want band(1) with a width different…

  • AutoFitStyle and Bands

    How do I AutoFitStyle = ResizeAllColumns on BOTH Band[0] and Band[1] so that each is independant and Autofit?

    My code reads:


    Me.ugrdHistory.DisplayLayout.AutoFitStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AutoFitStyle.ResizeAllColumns


  • WinGrid Bands & My Thick Skull

    I have some kind of mental block when it comes to Bands in WinGrid. I am trying to create a simple grid with 2 bands.

    I have 2 tables; Master & Detail, with a one to many relationship. I have created a DataSet with two TableAdapters, one for each table…

  • WinGrid Top-Level Siblings

    Am I correct in assuming that a WinGrid cannot have band siblings at the root level? If so:

    I want my grid to contain 12 bands (one for each month). While all of the bands will have the same columns, the data is not connected. Thus, I'm not sure how…

  • Automaticly added Column with ChildBand.Key


    I am a little bit confused with the following IndexOutOfRange-Error in the following situation:

    I have a MultiBand UltraWinGrid. When I go through the columns of a Band by using



    (int i = 1; i < grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns…

  • Stumped on Bands, Rows, Levels, Groups, and GroupBy

    Hi Mike and others, I have a pretty complex data presentation problem and I was wanting your wonderful direction, or the "Nope not gonna work" saving me plenty of time answer.

    We have about 80 customers that use our EMR application in 80 different…

  • WinGrid: Avoiding accessing child objects in single band display layout


    I have a Wingrid bound to a custom object (the grid is setup as single band only), the custom data object have certain properties which are actually collection of other related objects. When I bind this custom object to the grid, the grid try to…

  • Making a grid with only one header, which affects all / several bands


    I'm looking for a grid setting similar to the described in KB04073. That example is almost fine, only it's quite old, it's for the v3.0 and we're on 6.1 and upgrading. Is there any better/easier solution for that problem for newer versions of…

  • ChildBands not being reset when filter cleared



    When I load my grid (without any filter applied), I save the layout as the default layout. The grid has a parent and one child band. Now, I set a filter , so that only one column from the childband is displayed, and three columns from the parent…

  • Hierarchical Datasource for UltraGrid


    We want to use a hierarchical Datasource. This works fine for the rootlevel, one intermediate level and the itemlevel. But I can't see any further intermediate levels. At all levels we use Bindinglists. The datasource is constructed by recursion…

  • Is it possible to have a band show the colum headers only once?

    Is it possible to have a band show the column headers only once?
    So that further down the grid other items in this band are indented but there are no column titles.



  • Display Sibling Bands next to each other (Horizontally) as opposed to below each other

    I have a datasource that contains an object and three child lists. Therefore I have a Parent Band and three Sibling Bands. I am using a UltraWinGrid control and when the grid displays the data, it indents the Sibling Bands under the Parent Band in a hierarchical…