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  • TriStateCheckBox does not show correctly


    I have an ultragrid with the first column as a TriStateCheckBox.

    By clicking the checkbox, the values are set as 0, 1 and 2. The 0 is displayed as unchecked, 1 is displayed as checked and 2 is displayed as indeterminate. This is all working fine…

  • Issues with a Checkbox Column


    im have a Unbound Column in a Grid.

    What im trying to do is setting the Value of this checkbox either way to true or false on the InitializeRow Event. On some grids the Checkbox somehow doesn't accept the Values somehow (it get display as the default…

  • Checkbox not checking when selecting in a grid

    I have a grid with read only columns and one checkbox column.

    I set the grids CellClickAction: grid.DisplayLayout.Override.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.RowSelect

    because I have a click event handler on the grid to process the selected row.

    The issue…

  • KeyDown on arrow keys not thrown in grid cell with checkbox editor with value of null.

    After the grid is built, KeyDown on the arrow keys is not thrown if the checkbox editor value has not been set.

    If I check the checkbox KeyDown for the arrow keys starts being thrown.  If I un-check the checkbox KeyDown for the arrow keys continues to be…

  • Converting a boolean (checkbox) to an image in an ultragrid

    I'm thrashing around in the documentation, forum, and google without success.

    I have a flat object containing, among other things, a boolean property. How do I tell an ultragrid that for that boolean property to display an image for true, nothing…

  • Unbound Checkbox Column

    Good day,

    I'm making a report which requires to select certain rows and send a notification to an email regarding the selected rows, I managed to insert the column via the InitializeLayout event and this code:

    private void igrReportTickets_InitializeLayout…

  • Problems with a grid containing a checkbox-column


    This is my first post, so please bear with me if I posted it in a wrong place.

    I've got a Windows Form with a panel, and on that panel is an UltraGrid. The datasource for the grid is a generic list of KeyValuePair<bool, string>. The column with…

  • Cancel checkbox click

    Hi !

    I have a grid with a checkbox column. I add the checkbox column like this :


    valuesGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns["Select"].DataType = typeof(Boolean);

    I need…

  • remove checkbox on child grid colunm header

    Hi All,

    I used ultrawingrid_checkbox_on_header_vb sample code.

    But there is problem for me to remove or hide check box showed in child table header.

    Is there anyone who have idea to remove check box in child table header.

  • Checkbox cell state change on mouse click


    Is there a way to allow changing the state of a checkbox inside a cell, only if you click on the inner checkbox control itself, and not anywhere else in the interior of the cell? If so, what is the best way to implement this?

    Thank you.

  • Grid with checkbox on datetime field

    I am trying to have a grid which has displays 2 rows from a dataset in card view mode.  The idea is to have the user be able to compare the 2 rows and check off the values they want ( for each column, they can choose a value from either row 1 or row 2…

  • A column that sometimes displays a checkbox, sometimes not?


    I have a UltraWinGrid where I want to display different features that can be bought in my application. For some of these features it is possible for the user to get a trial version. I want to represent this by having an unbound column in the grid…

  • UltraWinGrid ColumnStyle CheckBox


    I have an UltraWinGrid control in my form, and I have set the style property of one of the columns to Checkbox, so a Checkbox control is displayed in each row (checked or unchecked). I'd like to change the appearance of the checkbox, especially…

  • Change CheckBox check color

    I have version 7.3 of the grid and would like to change the square checked appearance in the checkbox to red from the curent green.  Is this possible in this version and if so could you give an explicit example?  I do not see any CheckBox style to change…

  • UltraWinGrid select range of Checkboxes

    I've got a grid with column of checkboxes not bound to anything.  When a range of checkboxes needs to be clicked, instead of having to click them one by one, I'd like to provide Windows like behavior with a Shift-Click like ability.  Like use of Up…

  • Boolean Column Checkbox Display Style

    Is it possible to make the checkboxes in a boolean column display using the XP style instead of the "sunken" 3d look?



  • Embeding check boxes in merged columns


     I am working on Ultragrid, which is having first column with check boxes against categories listed. For each group, there are subcategories listed in child band. When a check box is checked against a category, the subcategories under that should be…

  • Use of checkbox Style with non-boolean data

    I am trying to display data from a flag field in a datatable that's defined as char(1) with a value of "1" or "0" as a checkbox in the grid.  Is there a way to do this in the Initialize_Layout event?

  • Checkbox to check (toggle) only when clicked in the check box not in the cell

    I have a column in the grid whose style is set to checkbox. Currently it does not matter if the user clicks on the checkbox or anywhere in the cell,  the state of the checkbox is toggled. I want the state to toggle only when the user clicks inside the…

  • Checkboxes in grid are somehow read-only?


    I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to why my checkboxes in my grid cannot be changed.

    I have a dataset containing data. I then load up specific data into a dataview based on a specificy criteria by applying a filter. This dataview should…

  • How to mark all the rows as selected/ checked

    I have a ultragrid with the first column as checkbox. On the form there is a button "Select All"; How to select/ checkmark that one cell on all the rows.


  • Is there a way to get only those rows which are selected?

    There is a grid (Vendor) with four columns

    1st - Checkbox  - Unbound

    2nd - 4th :- are columns from datasource (created at design time with the Key assigned) (4th is the primary Key of the Vendor table)

    THe user might select multiple rows by clicking…

  • Re: What is the best event to track when a checkbox is clicked


    I am having the same issue with this checkbox event. My problem is that i need to update a monetary total on the grid caption whenever a row is checked or unchecked. I can account for the value not being updated yet, that is not a problem.


  • Enable TabStop on CheckboxHeader


    I have an ultragrid having a column with header containing checkbox (to select all rows in the grid). The TabNavigation property of ultragrid is set to SelectNextControl. I need to provide a facility that when the ultragrid is focussed (via pressing…

  • Grid and Scrollbar

    I have a grid that contains two column and a vertical scrollbar. The left most column is a checkbox. As it is set to Rowselect, clicking anywhere on the row sets the checkbox HOWEVER clicking on the scrollbar also sets the state of the selected/highlighted…