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  • How do I access a checkbox in WebHierarchicalDataGrid Band item template

    Sorry...but I simply cannot find an answer to this question. I want to access the checkbox shown in read below in code behind.

    Thanks in advance!

    <ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="WebHierarchicalDataGrid1"
    ClientIDMode="Static" ViewStateMode…

  • Adding Parent row on button Click Event


    Am working with WHDG for the past 1 week and now i can able to set the values for the WHDG from dataset.I have a button outside of the grid on the button clicking event i want to add the new row to the grid.When i tried this what happening is during…

  • Binding values to Web Hierarcial DataGrid from dataset


    I have followed the below link While page load its working fine when i expand the parent band its showing the error : Key : ID must be unique.Why this is happening?




  • WebHierarchicalDataGrid with multiple bands hierarchy Custom Styling

    Hi, i have a WebHierarchicalDataGrid with multiple bands hierarchy.

    I try to change the appearance of the grid by applying our css.

    In the 1st and 2nd level all work fine, but from 3th level alignemet and size of cells is wrong.

    Somebody help me???

  • SQL Saving Child grid entries

    My grid looks something like this...

          Parcel Details
          Parcel Notes.

    The notes row is the only row that's editable.  Notes can be added and edited, but not deleted.

    Everything is working just fine, I can edit notes all day, but ADD is the…

  • WHDG to Excel with dropdown editor values

    I have a WHDG and a WebExcelExporter on my page.  I have 2 dropdown providers on the grid.  I need to be able to get to the cell in the band that contains the data I need to manipulate prior to the export.  I have attached to .png's to reflect the data visually…

  • Problem loading a webhierarchicaldatagrid with a dataset containing 0 rows


    I'm using infragistics 11.2. I have a webhierarchicaldatagrid with 3 levels.
    I have a dataset with 3 tables, each one for each level.
    If the dataset tables have at least one row, everything works just fine. The webhierarchicaldatagrid  is loaded…

  • Column hiding on webhierachicalDataGrid on bands

    Hi I am using webhierachicalDataGrid and I have 3 tables table1 with column Id, Code, Desc, table2 with columns Id, Type here Id have multiple entries with different types and Table3 with Id, Type, Code, Desc, Number, and other columns

    Now I am doing…

  • I want paging or scrolling in bands.

    I have a hierarchical web grid.  The child bands some time are a littl large.  How can I either put pagin on them or a vertical scroll bar.



  • Couldn't bind the child band dynamically


    I have to bind the Hierarchial Grid with the dataset. For each row in Parent grid, a blank child band should be binded with "add New Row" option.

    Users should be able to add new row to the child band and Parent grid dynamically.

    I referred…

  • WHDG child row and horizontal scroll

    I'm working with Infragistics 10.2 controls (version 10.2.20102.1011).

    I have a WHDG with fixed width to 1000px.
    My band childs, each row, needs a greater size than that 1000px and in this case, I'd rather than the horizontal scroll…

  • WebHierarchicalDataGrid client side event are raised multiple times

    Good morning,

    I have a WebHierarchicalDataGrid with 4 bands and I have set the click and double click client side event.

    Both works, but here is the problem :

    if I'm in the first band the event is raised one time

    if I'm in the second band the…