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  • Hidden input box with null object in Hierarchy grid

    <ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="WebHierarchicalDataGrid1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
    AutoGenerateBands="false" DataKeyFields="ProcId" Width="100%">

  • C# Example - How to SET a column in as updatable in a WebHeirarchicalDataGrid?

    I have some old code from UltraWebGrid that sets a column as being updatable.  I am curious if there is any sample code out there that shows how to update a column on a WebHeirarchicalDataGrid or a WebDataGrid as being UPDATEABLE?



  • Get the value of two WHDG columns and then set value of progress bar

    I am new to Infragistics and web programming,  I have a ASP.NET WHDG that has two columns that i want to use to set the value of a progress bar that is in the same row as the other two columns.

    Column #1 contains what will be the max value of the progress…

  • Webdatagrid Pagination

    How to use pagination in infragistics V21 for webdatagrid?

    Please help me!!

    Thanks in advance!!

  • Ajax Indicator

    How to use ajax indicator for webdatagrid? 

    I'm  using server side to add row in the grid and infragistics V21.

    Please help me!!!

    Thanks in advance!!!

  • WebRefreshAsyncPanel alternative for Infragistics V21

    What is the alternative for WebRefreshAsyncPanel alternative for Infragistics V21?

    Please help me thanks in advance!!!

  • Control Focus inside Webdatagrid

    I'm able to bind webdatagrid. I'm using Template Data Field and ASP .NET Textbox Control to bind data in the webdatagrid. When I press tab key it is focusing grid cell but the expected behavior is to focus the textbox control inside the webdatagrid. Please…

  • WebHierarchicalDataGrid UnboundCheckBoxField

    I have a WebHierarchicalDataGrid with 2 UnboundCheckBoxField; one if for email and the other is for print. The user can select either the email or print, not both. In the javascript it ends up in a loop even though I using eventArgs.set_cancel. 

    Here's the…

  • Get Hirarchical Grid value of Checked Bands having N Childs in Code behind in c#

     I am Implementing Web Hierarchical Data Grid and on Save i want to Get the Checked Rows Id's on Code Behind.

    <ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="hdgEnterExit" runat="server" EnableRelativeLayout="True" ShowFooter="False" HeaderCaptionCssClass="HeaderCaptionClass…

  • Is it possible to have different editors in the same column of either the webdatagrid or webhierarchicaldatagrid?

    I have an old web page that is using an ultrawebgrid.  It displays the following:

    In the "Value B" column, double-clicking on the 1st cell (Last Name) displays an editable text box with the value (Smith) in it.  If I click on the 6th cell (Adm…

  • Behavior of webdatagrid

    Hi I got issue like the behavior of the type row adding being added requires that it has a parent behavior of the type editcore.

    Can u please explain why the issue coming 

  • Behaviours - Webdatagrid


    I got below error "The behavior of type Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RowAdding being added requires that it has a parent behavior of type Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.EditingCore.  However, the parent type detected is Infragistics.Web…

  • What's wrong with Chrome when requesting paging, filtering, sort etc ?


    I am currently having a problem using Google chrome whenever the WebDataGrid/WebhierarchicalDataGrid is sending a async request through filtering, paging, sorting etc.

    Chrome's developer tools says that the problem occures in "__appendStyle" callback…

  • UltraWebGrid to WebDataGrid Migration

    It has been a while since the introduction of the new ASP.NET controls based on the Aikido framework. It brought the developers a product meeting latest standards in performance and modern browser support. This turned into a major challenge for applications…

  • Cell Merging in WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid

    With the NetAdvantage 12.1 release , all grid controls now have the cell merging feature added to them. This includes NetAdvantage for ASP.NET’s WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid. This post will guide you through using this feature. Damyan Petev…

  • deleteRows AutoPostBack

    Hi, I am trying to delete a row in a WebHierarchicalDataGrid and I cannot figure out how to disable the auto postback that occurs. All I want to do is remove the row from grid on the client. I do not want any request sent back to the server.

    I am following…

  • To remove expand collapse buttons


       I am using web heirachical data grid in  the application.

      I have to remove collapse, expand buttons and to show records always in expanded form.




