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  • Printing WinSchedule Multiple owners in one page (Timelineview).

    I have a WinSchedulePrintDocument linked to the CaldendarInfo and CalendarLook in my Timelineview control and it prints, but when I specify the date range to print, each owner is printed on a separate page. I want to print “x” number of owners in one…
  • Resize AllDay appointments in TimeLineView

    I have a TimeLineView with PrimaryInterval set to 1 day and an AllDay appointment spanning multiple days. 

    When I resize the appointment, it stops being an AllDay appointment, and the EndDate is set to the following day at 00:00.

    Is there a way to force…

  • Vertical timeline


    Is there any way to configure your control to display timeline vertically, not horizontally? I mean as if "rotate" your UltraTimelineView  for 90 degrees.

    WPF controls are also encouraged.


  • timelineview add app to owner from code


    i try to add some appointments to owners but always i can see them on the group unassigned.

    i do this:

    Dim inizio As Date = Today

    Dim fine As Date = DateTime.Parse("23/01/2011")

    Dim own1 As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Owner =…

  • How to set color for weekend in Ultra time line View


    I am using date interval in days on the time line view header

    I want to set the back color if it is Sunday or Saturday etc. 

    Let say date from 12-Sep-10 to 18-Sep-10, I want to color the 12 and 18 day header? Or can I also set the full column background…

  • TimelineView.OwnerFromPoint (Drag Drop)


    I am using Version 2010, The problem is I want to drag a item on timelineview but try the code


    on drag drop event, It gives me the two down owner name 

    Also can any body tell me how to override…

  • The property "ResizeType" in the event AppointmentResized does not change.

    Hi, I have a TimelineView control and I try to know when the "Appointment" is resized in the Start or End Datetime, I use the property "e.ResizeType" in the Event AppointmentResized but this property does not change and maintains the "AdjustStartDateTime…