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  • Enumerator is not valid because the collection changed.

    I am embedding a 2D Line Chart, XamChart in a user control, which builds fine, but when I embed that control in another - the parent control and all subsequent parent controls fail in Expression Blend with a 'The enumerator is not valid because the collection…

  • Combination chart (Scatter Chart & Scatter Line Chart)

    Hi all,

    My project now need the combination chart like below image.

    So, I found the Infragistics Scatter chart and Scatter line chart can do that.

    Buy, my X axis label value is time like(9:00, 9:10, 9:20, 9:30,9:40...). I dont understand why the x…

  • xamchart and viewmodel


    i developing a application where temperature data from a device are shown in a line chart (I use ScatterLine diagram). The x-Axis should show the time values and the y-Axis the temperature values. I use the Microsoft Prism framework. I tried your…

  • Xaml Chart - One solid series & one dash series

    Hi All,

    I want to draw one solid series & one dash series in a line chart.


    By default all lines are solid. I can also use the

                <Style TargetType="Line">
                    <Setter Property="StrokeDashArray"…
  • How do I style a chart line (dashed, dash-dot, etc.)?

    I need to style the lines on a multi-series line chart so that they are distinguishable when printed in black and white or when viewed by people with color deficient vision. Unfortunately, my searches using various terms have not turned up how to do that…

  • XamChart: Place Axis Grid Labels Inside Chart


    I'm trying to make some graphs which are stacked up on top of each other so it is easy to compare various data. I want to make each graph take up the whole of the space given to it so I have removed legends etc but have come into difficulty in making…

  • Display limited time values on x-axis

    We are evaluating the xamChart control for WPF.

    I have a chart that shows delta over a day. The x-axis shows the time of day and y-axis shows the delta.

    As the day progresses the number of values on x-axis goes on increasing and the values become unreadable…

  • 1 disappear when I set AutoRange="False" Minimum="1" Maximum="10" Unit="1" for X-Axis

    My chart is a Line chart and need to start from 1 on X-Axis. But when I set AutoRange="False" Minimum="1" Maximum="10" Unit="1", the "1" and "10" disappear. Does anybody know how to deal with it?…

  • How to draw lines and specific data points (with tooltip)?


    I have multiple data series that I'd like to show on a chart, ideally I'd like some series as lines and some series as data points only.  But scatter chart type can't be used with line chart type. 

    Is there any way to support this?

  • Scatter chart spline alike (with interpolation) || Spline chart with logarithmic X axis.

    Hello Everyone,
    I’m using Infragistics3.Wpf.Chart.v9.2 XamChart.

    I’m need to have a logarithmic scale both on X and Y axis.  At the same time I want the curve to look spline alike (with smooth lines, like after interpolation or cardinal…

  • Bug with ScatterLine and a single point?

    The XamChart docs state that for a ScatterLine chart:

    It is recommended that the numeric columns contain 2 or more rows so that a line can be drawn between two data points

    From: ms-help://NetAdvantage_WPF92/NAWPF_WPF92/WPF/xamChart_Scatter_Line_Chart…

  • Line Y axis Chart Contains negative values



    When I modify the y axis which contains negative value range  -110,-100,-90,-80,-70,-60,-50,-40 and interval is 10 unit that means Y axis range  from  -40 and -110 respectively but what happen my graph Y axis would  be show below the X axis

    is it possible…

  • Axis.Minimum and Maximum


    if I use axis in Autorange mode, I get Minimum and Maximum values 0 or NaN.

    How can I retrieve the real ones?


  • Inverse of XamChart.GetPoint?

    Probably a simple question, but I can't figure out what the inverse function for GetPoint would be.  GetPoint returns the pixel value for a given value in the coordinate space of an Axis.  How do I get the value for the coordinate space for an Axis…

  • start Line Chart from 0


     It´s possible to start the linechart from 0

  • Minor Grid Line

    I have data for a line chart values that rise and fall over a given length of time.  It produces something equivalent to a sine wave.  The x-axis are hour increments.  I would like to put a minor grid line (or major) at the end of each day.  That is easy…

  • Mimicking the Line Chart in xamTrader

    I am new to the xamChart, and to WPF.  I really like the xamTrader sample, especially the xamChart you use.  There is a whole lot of xaml to dig through, which I have to get the basic configuration of the chart.  However, I am puzzled by two features which…

  • column for y-axis

     This may be a simple question, but I am new to WPF programming. I want  to create a Line Chart from a database. This works fine so far but how do I specify a data column for the x-axis ? Via DataMapping I can only specify the column for the y-axis.…

  • Reverse Line Graph


     I have line graph which contains 0-120 on x-axis and 0-200 on y-axis.


    1. Graph from 0-120  on x-axis, but i wanted to draw graph from 120-0 

    2. Y-axis should be on right hand side. its working with SecondaryY but its not drawing border.