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  • How to ActiveDataItem current row by RecordExpanding Event ?


    i want to select current row into ActiveDataItem property by recordExpanding Event in xaml.
    actually i used event trigger in xaml and i handled it into ViewModel and i don't want to use ViewModel or Code behind

    <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="AlarmGrid…

  • How to Select current row by RecordExpanding Event ?

    i want to select current row into ActiveDataItem property by recordExpanding Event in xaml.
    actually i used event trigger in xaml and i handeld it into ViewModel and i don't want to use ViewModel or Code behind

    <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="AlarmGrid…

  • Same Type at different levels of hierarchy not rendering

    I am trying to use the hierarchical layout of the XamDataGrid to render our structure.

    The problem I'm having is that I have objects of the same type at different levels of the hierarchy.

    For example:

    class A {

    ... some properties


    class B {


  • Join heirarchical objects in grid

    I understand that if you bind a collection whose members include another collection you will by default get hierarchical field layouts. But is there a way to join the two field layouts so that the properties of the parent model are displayed in line,…

  • Implementing Hierarchical data binding in WPF XamDataGrid

    Hi Can you please provide or guide me to a solution where I can find a way to bind data in Parent child format.

    Also is there a way to get the child records from a data source on click of a parent record (i.e initially only parent records will be present…

  • How are the IsExpandable and AutoGenerateFields properties supposed to work?

    I'm writing a small test app to try and figure this out and so far I have this :




  • How to remove the expand button when child list is empty?

    Hi All,

    In a hierarchical grid, there is an expand button (+) in front of the parent row. When the parent row's children list is empty, this button is still displaying after initialization. Then, when user click the button, it disappears. 

    I don…

  • How to use pictures to replace the checked box in a xamdatagrid when data binding?

    Hi all,

    I have a question here:

    I have a hierarchical grid. There is one bool field in the children row. The default style is showing the bool field as a checked box.

    Because this field is readonly, I want to use two picutres to replace the checked…

  • Hierarchical grid - image to expand / collapse


    I have question with hierarchical grid.

    In hierarchical grid we are using the + / - for expand and collapse the grid.

    I want to place a next to minus (-) sign  image (Like folder open image) when that grid expanding mode.

    and change the (next to …

  • Another Hierachical Data and Field Layout / Binding question

    I have a Custom object that represents inventory items and looks similar to this:

     public class InvItem {

            public string ItemID {




      public string UPC_SKU {




       public string StockingUM {




    public decimal Price {




     public decimal Weight {


  • How to change the ExpandableFieldRecord cell value?

    How to  change the Child record cell value?

    int myData = 1;
    DataRecord myRecord = (DataRecord)this.XamDataGrid1.Records[0];
    myRecord.Cells[0].Value = myData;

     ---> myRecord has few child record.

           How do I access child record, and set cell value ? 

  • Set Margin of Header/Records at the 3rd Level of Hierarchical Grid using DataPresenter's DefaultStyle

    I have a Hierarchical Grid with 3 levels. Since the 3rd level doesn't have child records its records are not properly indented. I tried to set the margin manually in the field layout of the 3rd level and it worked.
  • HighlightAlternateRecords behavior with a hierarchical data source: Both 2007.2 and 2008.1


    I'm using an object data provider for a BindingList collection of objects with a nested BindingList object i.e. 2 level hierarchy.

    I've specified HighlightAtlernateRecords = True on the FieldLayoutSettings of the FielLayout for the Parent…

  • Expandable Child Orientation

    Is there anexample of how child grids can be reoriented into something like a horizontial stackpanel? 

  • Columns left alignment for all the inner grid

     Hi Alex,

    I want to the column headers left aligned for all the hierarchical grid.

     is this possible?

  • [Example] Programmatic FieldLayouts and Hierarchy


    I have seen several requests for information regarding how to programmatically set a FieldLayout and how to define a hierarchy between FieldLayouts. I figured I would share the information from a recent support case regarding this very issue:

  • How do you flatten hierachical data into a single row?

    As in:

    class Customer


      List<Orders> Orders;

      string Name;


    class Order


      string Product;

      decimal Price;


    If I want a single row that looks like below, with NO drilling, simply spanning.

    Customer | Orders


  • Separate header for Hierarchical datas

    Hi all,

    In my grid i have binded hierarchical data (4 level). Everything working fine.

    Think my grid have 10 rows. If i expand the 3rd rows in my grid, it is expanded.

    After that, it is very difficult to match cell values and column header from 4th…

  • How to check the selected record is parent or child in Hierarchical Grid

    Hi Guyz


    How to know the selected record is parent record or child record in an hierarchical XamDataGrid?



    Asif Abdulla

  • Displaying hierarchical data when AutoGenerateFields="False"

    Hi.I’m using a DataSet containing hierarchical DataSet (2 similar Tables (Contracts and SubContracts), combined by a DataRelation) and want to bind it to a XamDataGrid (NetAdvantage for WPF - 2008 Volume 1 (CLR 3.0)).Starting with the Grids default behavior…
  • Sparkline integrated in WPF Data Grid

    This post is kind of a follow up, part two if you will, on integrating the XamSparkline – a XAML cross-platform control part of both NetAdvantage for WPF and Silverlight Data Visualization packages – into Infragistics grids’ cells.

  • Hierarchical Data or Group By Format / Style

    Could this be done?

    Group BY

    We've been trying to format the grid this way for days now. We have a hierarchical object binded to the grid. We tried using a lot of stuff including customizing the ExpandableFieldRecordStyle. Maybe we are just missing something…

  • No intermediate columns


    I'm trying to style XamDataGrid to show only column headers in the very top and no headers for the expanded children. The view will be like TreeListView then ( I havent managed…

  • [URGENT] Multiple FieldLayout's with one header


    I'm trying to achieve something like this:



    <Field Name="Id" Column="0" RowSpan="3" />

    <UnboundField Name="Size0" Colum="1" Row="0" />

    <UnboundField Name…

  • self-referencing hierarchical table not displaying


    I have a table with an AccountID column and a ParentID column.  There is a data relation, Children, that relates the columns.  Below is the xaml I have written to try and get it to work, but when I add the <igDP:Field Name="Children"