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  • Getting Started with NetAdvantage Silverlight and WPF: Adding Sample Data

    As we go through the various most-excellent controls in our Silverlight and WPF versions of NetAdvantage, we will be creating diverse sample projects with many different scenarios of sample data. To expedite the creation of sample data, I will be creating…
  • Using the XamGrid connected to an OData service

    Many of you have probably heard of the Open Data Protocol (OData) – a Web protocol for querying and updating data. According to the site of the project, the OData protocol is built upon HTTP, AtomPub and JSON to provide a way to connect to a wide…

  • Using Data Editing in the XamDataChart to implement What-if Analysis functionality

    Users like to have quantitative data visualized as much as possible, in order to make it easier to understand, compare and discover patterns. In many cases, however, editing data takes your users away from its visual representation, into rather context…

  • Understanding Advanced Summaries in the Silverlight XamGrid

    I will be writing a few blog posts which will showcase the depth of the features of the XamGrid. They will introduce you to powerful features of the XamGrid, and ultimately help you get the most of your time using our product. In this post, I’ll describe…

  • Using Conditional Formatting in the XamWebGrid

    Users are not content with just looking at the data anymore, they want to have as much data analysis done automatically and presented together with the data, so they can quickly interpret and act upon this information. Maybe the simplest form of data…

  • Using Multi-Column Filtering in the XamGrid

    Let’s say you’re well along the path implementing your application, when your users turn to you with a request to filter records in one of the XamGrids using a multi-column filtering condition. You’re familiar with XamGrid single-column…

  • Using Custom Grouping in the Silverlight XamGrid

    You’ve talked to your users about showing those inventory levels records in the NetAdvantage for Silverlight XamGrid. They’ve mentioned  they would like to see inventory stock levels categorized in groups corresponding to how soon they have…

  • Using the VirtualCollection for Server-Side xamWebGrid Paging

    Quick Summary

    • The VirtualCollection class uses the ItemDataRequested event to fetch data for the collection
    • Using a wrapper class which includes the requested collection along with the next “start index” and the total number of records helps simplify…
  • Styling the xamWebGrid Group By Area

    Styling the xamWebGrid group by area is easy as long as you know the right class to target in your style. The following image depicts the xamWebGrid with a customized group by background.

    The key to applying the style is to set the right TargetTyp…

  • Creating Custom Columns for xamGrid

    When we originally sat down to design the xamGrid one of the problems we knew we wanted to address (based on lessons learned from building other grid controls) was providing an easy way for developers to extend the control by creating their own custom…

  • Simple Column Chooser for XamWebGrid

    If you’ve used the Infragistics XamDataGrid or UltraWinGrid, you are probably familiar with a feature each of those controls offers called Column Chooser (or Field Chooser).  This simple feature provides a simple UI that allows you to expose a way…

  • Creating Custom Summery Operands

    The 2009.2 release of the XamWebGrid added the ability to display a summary row in the grid which allows you to display summary information for columns in the grid.  The feature includes five summary native summary operands (minimum, maximum, sum, count…

  • How select all rows in xamWebGrid


    I'm using NetAdvantage WebClient Trial 2009.2 to evaluation.

    I want to implement "Ctrl-A" like function.

    So I need to select all rows in xamWebGrid.

    I try this code first:

    foreach (var x in webgrid.Rows)

  • Binding to Collection

    I am trying to make a very flexible binding situation for my XamGrid.Basically I want to make the Grid always dynamic. The amount of columns can vary depedning on the case and their Keys can change so I would like to dynamically build it all the time…

  • xamWebGrid slow to draw rows

    I have an application using xamWebGrid and in the demo configuration it displays just 357 rows.  The data are instances of a simple CLR object of 11 properties of value types: datetime (3), enum (2), string (2), int (2), bool (2).

    The empty grid is displayed…

  • how to populate dynamic columns from a collection?

    OK... I have kindof a sepecialised case.  I am getting log data back from a DB that has 5 static properties and then any number of variable properties.  The class looks like this:

    Prop 1, prop 2, prop 3, collection of properties 4-n... all possible properties…

  • Boolean Converter

    I have a xamGrid that is bound to a table with a column that is a boolean. Of course the value is displayed as true/false and I need to have it displayed as t/f. How to I do this?

  • Re: How do I update values in another row column using data binding


    Thanks for reply. So, I've to take the ObservableCollection or it can be worked with System.Collection.Generic.List<>, if yes then please reply with example. You can send me code on

    Please, help.


  • Populating a TemplateColumn value at runtime

    I've added a TemplateColumn to my grid row. The value of this cannot be bound as it needs to be evaluated at runtime.

    I've added an event handler to the InitializeRow event of the grid and I've got the cell object using .Row.Cells("dynamicDescription…

  • Word wrapping

    I have my grid with star sized columns, and I need word wrapping on.  However, if the columns are star sized, the wrapped text does not automatically expand the row's height to display all of the text.  In the picture I have attached, the text in the…

  • Crash while adding new row in xamWebGrid

    Hi my application is crashing while adding new row to the xamWebgrid. in xaml for add new row: -igGrid:XamWebGrid.AddNewRowSettings- -igGrid:AddNewRowSettings AllowAddNewRow="Bottom" IsEnterKeyEditingEnabled="True"- -igGrid:XamWebGrid…
  • Inheriting style bindings


       In the SL3 grid that I use, I can bind the FontSize, FontFamily, FontStyle, FontWeight and the values are nicely propagated down to the cell.

       In the XamWebGrid the values aren't propagated. I could set the values as StaticResources and then bind…

  • Which is equivalent event for "SelectionChanged"?

    Trying to display related data when user navigates thru row by mouse or keyboard arrow key.

    Tried using "SelectedRowsCollectionChanged" event, but it never gets excuted when user navigates thru rows.

    Can some one please help.

    Thanks in advance…

  • How to take the XGRID Selected row event in aspx.vb page.

    Any event is there to handle the Xgrid selected row  in the aspx.vb page?

  • How do I update values in another row column using data binding

    I am using DataGrid (bind to the obeservable collection), one of the column in the datagrid is checkbox, User Requirement is, when user checks checkbox in any row, other row's checkbox should reset to unchecked. means  only one checkbox checked at…