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  • Pie Chart legend not showing

    I am configuring pie chart using XamPieChart() , I am able to view pie chart but legends are not visible.

    Code i am using to render charts is-

    View view = null;
    ItemLegend legend = new ItemLegend();
    XamPieChart xamPieChart = new XamPieChart();

  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when initializing in XamGrid.

    public void InitDataGrid()
    // [Grid 속성]
    this.xDataGrid.HeaderHeight = 50;
    this.xDataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
    this.xDataGrid.DefaultColumnMinWidth = 100;
    this.xDataGrid.HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction.SortByOneColumnOnly;

  • Double-click event in XamChart

    I want to double-click the chart view. How can I call the event on double click?

    What I ultimately want to do is move through the coordinate system gestures of the drawn chart. After that, when I double-click on the chart, I want it to return to the origin…

  • Styling an Item Legend for a XamDoughnutChart


    I have XamDoughnutChart where it has a ItemLegend which i'm trying to style it and I dont understand how to do it.

    This is the style that I'm trying to apply:

    <Style x:Key="gridSubTitleGrayLabel" TargetType="Label">

  • XamDoughnutChart Object reference not set to an instance of an object when resizing


    I have a Xam Doughnut Chart that after reloading data after a few times, causes the application to crash. I've been trying to debug for quite some time but i haven't found the issue until i looked into the call stack that showed where it…

  • Weekly Scheduler Working Hours Display Mode


    I'm having trouble setting up a XamScheduler in a weekly view, showing only the working hours. 

    Does WorkingHoursDisplayMode="WorkingHoursOnly" have any special requirements? All besides that line works fine, and I can see the schedule…

  • XamDataGrid with Sqlite local db problems

    OK, not sure if I’m just being thick headed or what? For a couple of days I have tried to get XamDataGrid working for my small project. After having SyncFusion Xamarin.Forms controls for some time decided hey a data grid would look good for this list…

  • Translate code from XAML to C# for app map navigation

    I made a app using App  Map (grate tool) but I need co nv er my co0de from XAML to C# t make some validations 

    How I can call this on C# button:

    <Button Grid.Row="8" Grid.Column="1" Text="Acceder" Command="{Binding Path=NavigateAbsoluteCommand}" CommandParameter…

  • How change XamRadialGauge control size to fill grid

    In my Xamarin project made with  appMap iu have  grid with 5 columns and i want to add a XamRadialGauge  in a row with Grid.ColumnSpan="3" and fill it but its show small:


    Thios is my xaml code

    <Grid BackgroundColor="White" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand…

  • Property change events throw ObjectDisposedException when returning to a page in Xamarin Forms Shell

    I've created a default Xamarin Forms flyout app in Visual Studio - ie it's using XF Shell.

    I've put an Infragistics.XF.Scheduler.XamScheduler on the AboutPage and hooked up the AppointmentItemsSource to "{Binding Appointments}" which is a property…

  • [Xamarin][XamDoughnutChart] - Label new line and font size


    I am using the XamDoughnutChart (Charts) component in xamarin and I want the label in this format:

    Is it possible?
    I want to change de fonte size of the label too.

    Best regards,

  • [Xamarin] - Scheduler No Events


    I am using the Scheduler component (monthview) in xamarin and I want to change the text "No Events" to my language (in my case portuguese) but I don't know how to do it. Is there any property to do this?

    Best regards,

  • XamDataGrid in a StackLayout

    I'm attempting to create a XamDataGrid on a ContentPage within a StackLayout. If the XamDataGrid is placed within the ContentPage.Content section without the StackLayout, it displays as expected.  But if I wrap the XamDataGrid within a StackLayout…

  • Xamarin Scheduler ColorScheme

    hen I have understood everything correctly, you cannot edit the given ColorScheme or edit your own ColorScheme.
    That is not entirely understandable.
    I have an extensive WinForms desktop application in which the user can manage his own appointment types…

  • XamDataGrid Row Background Color Doesn't Refresh on Sort


    I have a XamDataGrid that sets the background color depending on a status property within a model. The background is set correctly on start up but when I sort the columns using the built in sorter, the background color does not update. This causes…

  • Prototyping Interface (AppMap)

    Is the AppMap prototyping interface only available when you create a new project?  If not, how does one open the page flow again?  I create a page template flow which has the login, mainpage, and a data page but I want to add another page in now.

  • Linear Gauge Formatting Help

    I'm trying to use a linear gauge in Xamarin Forms and make it look like this:

    So far I've been able to get it like this (I know the purple isn't above, but I made it to show the extra space at the end):

    But the label text is cut off…

  • Xamarin.Form Drill Down


    I am using Xamarin.Forms latest version to create IOS/Android application.

    I want to create Drill-down charts in my xamarin.forms application

    Does Infragistics support Drilldown chart?

    If yes, then can i drill-down from any type of chart to any type…

  • AppMap Grayed out Generate AppMap

    I finally got some time to start work on a new Xamarin Forms app that I have in mind. Anyway, I got the AppMap wizard working. Followed along with the video for creating a test app. My problem is, in the end, the "Generate AppMap" button is grayed out…

  • I Couldn't create a Xamarin project with App map.


    I could not create a Xamarin project with AppMap.

    I'm using Visual Studio 2019 and Infragistics Xamarin version 2019. I don't know how to describe this issue so I have taken a screenshot.

    Please let me know what I did wrong things.

    Thank you…

  • Category click event for Infragistics XamCategory chart

    Hello Team,

    As I am developing an application in Xamarin.Forms for Payroll Management. In that, I need to display payroll details in chart for selected month. By clicking a particular month column, will redirect to details screen and display payment details…

  • customizing data point selection in a chart


    I'm using Column Series and I'm trying to update or delete a data from the chart by interacting directly with my chart , so I'm trying to find a solution that when I select a column I can navigate to another page where I can modify or…

  • XamDoughnutChart becomes null after exiting last tab.


    This is a weird one...

    I am using Xamarin Forms and testing on Android only.

    I have a TabbedPage with 5 tabs at the bottom, that is hosted inside a NavigationPage.

    I have XamDoughnutChart with data that works fine in the first tab. Here is the code…

  • MissingMethodException


    When I build the solution and try to run this on Android device:


            <grids:XamDataGrid x:Name="DataGrid" >