Sets the context of an action strip. The context should be an instance of a @Component, that has element property. This element will be the placeholder of the action strip.
Returns the theme of the component.
The default theme is comfortable
Available options are comfortable
, cosy
, compact
let componentTheme = this.component.displayDensity;
Sets the theme of the component.
An @Input property that set the visibility of the Action Strip. Could be used to set if the Action Strip will be initially hidden.
An @Input property that set the visibility of the Action Strip. Could be used to set if the Action Strip will be initially hidden.
Gets/Sets the resource strings.
Gets/Sets the resource strings.
Hiding the Action Strip and removing it from its current context element.
Showing the Action Strip and appending it the specified context element.
Action Strip provides templatable area for one or more actions.
action, strip, actionStrip, pinning, editing
Data Entry & Display
The Ignite UI Action Strip is a container, overlaying its parent container, and displaying action buttons with action applicable to the parent component the strip is instantiated or shown for.