Interface IPinColumnCancellableEventArgs

The event arguments before a column's pin state is changed. insertAtIndexspecifies at which index in the pinned/unpinned area the column is inserted. Can be changed in the columnPin event. isPinned returns the actual pin state of the column. When pinning/unpinning is succesfull, the value of isPinned will change accordingly when read in the "-ing" and "-ed" event.




cancel: boolean

Provides the ability to cancel the event.

column: ColumnType
insertAtIndex: number

If pinned, specifies at which index in the pinned area the column is inserted. If unpinned, specifies at which index in the unpinned area the column is inserted.

isPinned: boolean

Returns the actual pin state of the column. If pinning/unpinning is succesfull, value of isPinned will change accordingly when read in the "-ing" and "-ed" event.

owner?: any

Provides reference to the owner component.