Enumeration ColumnShowingAnimationMode

Enumerates the options for how columns animate into view.

Enumeration Members

Auto: 0

Automatically selects the correct animation mode.

FadeIn: 6

Cells fade in.

None: 1

No animation should be performed.

SlideFromBottom: 5

Cells slide in from the bottom.

SlideFromBottomAndFadeIn: 10

Cells slide in from the bottom and fade in.

SlideFromLeft: 2

Cells slide in from the left.

SlideFromLeftAndFadeIn: 7

Cells slide in from the left and fade in.

SlideFromRight: 3

Cells slide in from the right.

SlideFromRightAndFadeIn: 8

Cells slide in from the right and fade in.

SlideFromTop: 4

Cells slide in from the top.

SlideFromTopAndFadeIn: 9

Cells slide in from the top and fade in.