Represents an element in the current sort applied to a data source or provider. Changes to this object are not observed or expected after it is initially assigned to a collection.


Hierarchy (view full)


  • Parameters

    • Optional field: string
    • Optional sortDirection: ListSortDirection

    Returns IgcChartSortDescription


  • get field(): string
  • Gets or sets the property being sorted.

    Returns string

  • set field(v): void
  • Parameters

    • v: string

    Returns void

  • get sortDirection(): ListSortDirection
  • Gets or sets the direction to sort based on the property.

    Returns ListSortDirection

  • set sortDirection(v): void
  • Parameters

    • v: ListSortDirection

    Returns void


  • Returns if the SortDescription is equal to another.


    • other: any
      • The SortDescription to compare to.

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • name: string

    Returns any