Provides data for IgxDataChartComponent mouse button related events.

DataChartMouseButtonEventHandler class represents the method that will handle IgxDataChartComponent mouse button related events.

chart_seriesMouseLeftButtonDown(sender :any,args: DataChartMouseButtonEventArgs )



  • get chart(): IgcSeriesViewerComponent
  • Gets the Chart associated with the current event.

    Use the Chart property to get the chart associated with the current event.

    var dataChart=  args.chart;

    Returns IgcSeriesViewerComponent

  • set chart(v): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get chartPosition(): IgPoint
  • Gets the mouse position relative to the chart.

    Returns IgPoint

  • get handled(): boolean
  • Gets or sets a value that indicates the present state of the event handling for a routed event as it travels the route. ChartMouseButton events are not routed events; setting this property effects the underlying MouseButtonEvent.

    Use the handled property to indicates the present state of the event handling for a routed event.

    Returns boolean

  • set handled(v): void
  • Parameters

    • v: boolean

    Returns void

  • get item(): any
  • Gets the ItemsSource item associated with the current event.

    Use the Item property to get the ItemsSource item associated with the current event.

    var item1= args.item;

    Returns any

  • set item(v): void
  • Parameters

    • v: any

    Returns void

  • get originalSource(): any
  • Gets a reference to the object that raised the event.

    Use the OriginalSource property for the raised object event.


    Returns any

  • get plotAreaPosition(): IgPoint
  • Gets the mouse position relative to the plot area.

    Returns IgPoint

  • set plotAreaPosition(v): void
  • Parameters

    • v: IgPoint

    Returns void

  • get series(): IgcSeriesComponent
  • Gets the series associated with the current event.

    Use the Series property for the associated current event.

     var DataSeries= args.series;

    Returns IgcSeriesComponent

  • set series(v): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • Returns the x- and y- coordinates of the mouse pointer position, optionally evaluated against the origin of a supplied UIElement.


    • relativeTo: any
      • Any UIElement derived object that is contained by the the engine plug-in and connected to the object tree. To specify the object relative to the overall the engine coordinate system, use a relativeTo value of null.

      To get mouse X and Y position.

         var args.getPosition;

    Returns IgPoint

  • Provides a human readable description of the mouse button event.

    Use the ToString property to provides a human readable discription.

      var item= args.item.label.toString();

    Returns string