nextReturns the [[WorksheetChart]] displayed in this chartsheet.
Gets the object which controls the display of the chartsheet.
The display options include any settings which affect the display of the chartsheet when viewed in Microsoft Excel. These settings will not affect the printed chartsheet or the data stored in the chartsheet.
The object which controls the display of the chartsheet.[[CustomView.getSheetDisplayOptions]]
Returns a boolean indicating if the Sheet has been protected with a password.
When protecting a Sheet, a password is optional. The HasProtectionPassword will return true if the Sheet is currently protected (see [[isProtected]]) and a password was specified when it was protected.
Returns a boolean indicating if the Worksheet has been protected.
The IsProtected property will return true if the Worksheet is currently protected. When a Worksheet is protected only unprotected cells may be edited. In addition, other operations may be limited based on the properties of the [[WorksheetProtection]] which may be accessed using the Protection property.
Gets or sets the sheet name.
The sheet name is case-insensitively unique in the workbook.
The sheet name is shown in the tab for the worksheet. In addition, the worksheet name can be used by formulas from other worksheets to refer to cells in this worksheet.
The sheet name.[[ArgumentNullException]] The value assigned is null or empty.
[[ArgumentException]] The value assigned contains the invalid characters: ':', '', '/', '?', '*', '[', or ']'.
[[ArgumentException]] The value assigned exceeds 31 characters in length.
[[ArgumentException]] The value assigned is being used as the name of another sheet (sheet names are case-insensitively compared).
Gets the object which controls how the chartsheet prints. The object which controls how the chartsheet prints.
Returns an object that provides information used when the Chartsheet has been protected. @see@see@see [[ChartsheetProtection]]
Gets the value which indicates whether this worksheet is selected.
If the worksheet has been removed from its parent [[Workbook.worksheets]] collection, this will always return False.
The value which indicates whether this worksheet is selected.Gets the zero-based index of this sheet in its parent [[Workbook.sheets]] collection.
Negative one indicates the sheet has been removed from its parent collection.
The zero-based index of this sheet in its parent Sheets collection.Gets or sets the [[WorkbookColorInfo]] to use for the associated sheet's tab in the tab bar of Microsoft Excel.
If the tab bar is not visible, this color will not be seen.
The WorkbookColorInfo to use for the associated sheet's tab in the tab bar of Microsoft Excel.[[WindowOptions.tabBarVisible]]
Moves the sheet to a new position in the owning workbook's collections of sheets.
[[InvalidOperationException]] The sheet has previously been removed from its workbook.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'index' is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of sheets in the owning workbook.
The new 0-based index to where the sheet should be moved.
Protects the chartsheet without a password.
When a Chartsheet is protected without a password, the end user may unprotect the Chartsheet in Excel without having to supply a password. To programatically unprotect a Chartsheet, one may use the Unprotect() method.
The optional parameters are used to update the property values of the [[ChartsheetProtection]] instance from this Worksheet's [[protection]] property. If the parameter is null, the current value of the associated property will be retained; otherwise the property will be updated with the specified value. For example, if the [[ChartsheetProtection.allowEditObjects]] is currently true and the 'allowEditObjects' is null, then the property will continue to be true but if the 'allowEditObjects' is false the [[ChartsheetProtection.allowEditObjects]] will be changed to false.
Note: If IsProtected is already true, the method will be ignored.
Optional boolean indicating the new value for the [[ChartsheetProtection.allowEditObjects]].
Optional boolean indicating the new value for the ChartsheetProtection.AllowEditScenarios. @see@see@see [[protection]]
A sheet in a Mirosoft Excel workbook that displays a single chart.