nextGets the settings which control the frozen panes in the worksheet.
For these settings to be saved in the workbook file, [[panesAreFrozen]] must be True.
Note: Frozen and unfrozen panes cannot be used simultaneously, so depending on whether the panes are frozen or unfrozen, these settings may not be used.
The settings which control the frozen panes in the worksheet..Gets or sets the color of the gridlines on the worksheet.
If the workbook is using a standard palette, the color set may be changed if it is not in the palette. In this case, the closest color in the standard palette will be used.
The color of the gridlines on the worksheet.[[InvalidOperationException]] The workbook is using a custom palette and setting this color would cause the custom palette to use too many colors.
Gets or sets the value which indicates if the panes in the worksheet are frozen.
Depending on the value of this property, either the [[frozenPaneSettings]] or the [[unfrozenPaneSettings]] will be used for the worksheet. The unused settings are ignored and are not saved with the workbook stream.
The value which indicates if the panes in the worksheet are frozen.Gets or sets the value which indicates whether the expansion indicators should be shown below grouped, or indented rows.
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether the expansion indicators should be shown to the right of grouped, or indented rows.
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether formulas are shown in cells.
If this value is True, the formula string will be displayed in the cell. If the value is False, the result of the formula will be displayed in the cell.
The value which indicates whether formulas are shown in cells.Gets or sets the value which indicates whether gridlines are shown between cells. The value which indicates whether gridlines are shown between cells.
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether outline symbols are shown for outlined columns and rows.
If the outline symbols are displayed, they provide a visual representation of the outline levels or rows and columns in Microsoft Excel. In addition, the outline symbols include the expansion indicators which allow for the expanding and collapsing of outline groups.
The value which indicates whether outline symbols are shown for outlined columns and rows.[[RowColumnBase.outlineLevel]]
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether to display row and column headers.
The row and column headers show the identifier of the row or column. They also allow the user to easily select all cells in a row or column by clicking them.
The value which indicates whether to display row and column headers.[[PrintOptions.printRowAndColumnHeaders]]
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether to show rulers in the page layout view.
When this value is True, one ruler will display above the column headers of the active page in page layout view. Another ruler will also display before the row headers of the active page.
Note: This property will only affect the worksheet view if the [[view]] is PageLayout.
Note: The [[WorksheetView]] value of PageLayout is only supported in Excel 2007. If a worksheet with that View is viewed in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, the view will default to Normal view.
The value which indicates whether to show rulers in the page layout view.[[view]]
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether zero values are shown in cells.
If this value is True, cells with a value of zero will display their values; otherwise, those cells will display as blanks.
The value which indicates whether zero values are shown in cells.Gets the settings which control the unfrozen panes in the worksheet.
For these settings to be saved in the workbook file, [[panesAreFrozen]] must be False.
Note: Frozen and unfrozen panes cannot be used simultaneously, so depending on whether the panes are frozen or unfrozen, these settings may not be used.
The settings which control the unfrozen panes in the worksheet.Gets or sets the current view of the worksheet.
The view determines the overall display of the worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
Note: The [[WorksheetView]] value of PageLayout is only supported in Excel 2007. If a worksheet with that View is viewed in earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, the view will default to Normal view.
The current view of the worksheet.[[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] The value assigned is not defined in the WorksheetView enumeration.
Gets or sets the visibility of the sheet.
The visibility determines whether the sheet's tab will appear in the tab bar at the bottom of Microsoft Excel.
The visibility of the worksheet.[[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] The value assigned is not defined in the [[WorksheetVisibility]] enumeration.
Abstract base class which exposes the various display options available for a worksheet which can be saved with both a worksheet and a custom view.
This class provides a way to control how a worksheet is displayed when it is viewed in Microsoft Excel.