nextGets the default cell format for cells in this row or column.
Any default properties of the cell's format will take their value from this format when getting a resolved format.
The default cell format for cells in this row or column.Gets or sets the height of the row in twips (1/20th of a point).
If the height of the row is less than zero, the [[Worksheet.defaultRowHeight]] of the owning worksheet will be used as the row's height.
The value assigned must be between -1 and 8192. Invalid values will be automatically adjusted to valid values.
The height of the row in twips (1/20th of a point).[[InvalidOperationException]] From the setter if the row was removed from the worksheet.
Gets or sets the value indicating whether the row or column is hidden. The Hidden state also controls the expanded state of rows or columns in outline groups. Basically, an outline group simply provides an easy way to hide and unhide all rows or columns in the group at the same time, via the expansion indicator. The value indicating whether the row or column is hidden.
[[InvalidOperationException]] From the stter if the object was removed from the worksheet.
Gets the 0-based index of the row in the worksheet. The 0-based index of the row in the worksheet.
Gets or sets the outline level for the row or column.
Microsoft Excel supports hierarchical grouping of rows and columns with a maximum of seven levels of hierarchy. To create a group, set adjacent rows or columns to same outline level. When rows or columns are grouped, an outline indicator will provide a visual representation of the outline level. In addition, an outline group has an expansion indicator at one end of the group, which allows the user to easily hide and unhide all rows or column in the group with a single click.
The outline level for the row or column.[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] The value assigned is outside the valid outline level range of 0 and 7.
[[InvalidOperationException]] From the stter if the object was removed from the worksheet.
Applies a formula to the cell at the specified column index.
'formula' is parsed based on the [[CellReferenceMode]] of the [[Workbook]] to which the row belongs. If the row's [[Worksheet]] has been removed from its parent collection, the A1 CellReferenceMode will be used to parse the formula.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[ArgumentNullException]] 'formula' is null or empty.
[[FormulaParseException]] 'formula' is not a valid formula.
[[InvalidOperationException]] The cell is part of an array formula or data table which is not confined to just the cell.
[[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] 'cellReferenceMode' is not defined in the [[CellReferenceMode]] enumeration.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
The formula to parse and apply to the cell.
The mode used to interpret cell references in the formula.
Gets the cell at the specified column index in the owning row.
Note: Iterating the collection will not create all cells. It will only iterate the cells which have already been used. To create and iterate all cells in the worksheet use a For loop, iterating from 0 to one less than the maximum column count, and pass in each index to the collection's indexer.
The cell at the specified column index in the owning row.[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'index' is less than zero.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] 'index' is greater than or equal to [[Workbook.maxExcelColumnCount]] or [[Workbook.maxExcel2007ColumnCount]], depending on the [[Workbook.currentFormat]].
The zero-based column index of the cell to get.
Gets the collection of cells in the row.
The collection of cells is a fixed length collection, with the maximum number of cells in the collection being
[[Workbook.maxExcelColumnCount]] or [[Workbook.maxExcel2007ColumnCount]],
depending on the
Note: Iterating the collection will not create all cells. It will only iterate the cells which have already been used. To create and iterate all cells in the worksheet use a For loop, iterating from 0 to one less than MaxExcelColumnCount, and pass in each index to the collection's indexer.
The collection of cells in the row.Gets the data table to which the cell at the specified index belongs.
The cells in the left-most column and top-most row of the data table will return null for the associated data table.
If a data table is associated with the cell, getting the value of the cell with [[getCellValue]] will return the calculated value for the cell.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Gets the merged cells region which contains the cell at the specified index, or null if the cell is not merged.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Gets the [[WorksheetTable]] to which the cell at the specified index belongs.
A cell belongs to a table if it exists in any area of the table. It can be a header cell, total cell, or a cell in the data area.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Gets the bounds of the cell at the specified column index in twips (1/20th of a point).
The bounds returned by this method are only valid with the current configuration of the worksheet. If any rows or columns before the cell are resized, these bounds will no longer reflect the position of the cell.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
Gets the bounds of the cell at the specified column index in twips (1/20th of a point).
The bounds returned by this method are only valid with the current configuration of the worksheet. If any rows or columns before the cell are resized, these bounds will no longer reflect the position of the cell.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
The options to use when getting the bounds of the cell.
Gets or sets the comment applied to the cell at the specified column index.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
Gets the cell conditional format for the cell at the specified column index.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Gets the cell formatting for the cell at the specified column index.
Use this method to set cell formatting specific to the cell. If you will be applying the format to numerous cells, see the [[Workbook.createNewWorksheetCellFormat]] method for performance considerations.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Gets the formula which has been applied to the cell at the specified column index.
If a formula has been applied to the cell, getting the value with the [[getCellValue]] method will return the calculated value of the formula.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
Gets the effective hyperlink on the cell at the specified index.
If multiple hyperlinks are applied to the cell, the last one in the [[Worksheet.hyperlinks]] collection will be used.
If the cell has one or more hyperlinks in the [[Worksheet.hyperlinks]] collection as well as a formula containing a HYPERLINK function, the last hyperlink from the collection will be used.
If the cell has a hyperlink due to the HYPERLINK function being used in a formula, the returned value will be sealed.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Gets the display text in the cell at the specified index.
The display text is based on the value of the cell and the format string applied to the cell.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Gets the text in the cell at the specified index.
The text is based on the value of the cell and the format string applied to the cell.
[[InvalidEnumArgumentException]] 'textFormatMode' is not defined in the [[TextFormatMode]] enumeration.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
The format mode to use when getting the cell text.
Gets the value of the cell at the specified column index.
If this cell belongs to a merged cell region and it is the top-left cell of the region, getting and setting the value will get and set the value of the associated merged cell region. Getting the value of other cells in a merged cell region will always return null. Setting the value of other cells in a merged cell region will have no effect.
If a formula has been applied to the cell or a data table is associated with the cell, getting the Value will return the calculated value of the cell.
The types supported for the value are:
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Gets the resolved cell formatting for the cells in the row or column.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the object was removed from the worksheet.
Gets the resolved cell formatting for the cell at the specified column index.
If any cell format properties are the default values on the cell, the values from the owning row's cell format will be used. If those are default, then the values from the owning column's cell format will be used. Otherwise, the workbook default values will be used.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Sets the comment applied to the cell at the specified column index.
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[InvalidOperationException]] The value applied only has only one anchor cell set. It should have both or neither anchor cells set.
[[InvalidOperationException]] The value has its [[WorksheetShape.topLeftCornerCell]] and [[WorksheetShape.bottomRightCornerCell]] anchors set but they are from different worksheets.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
The comment to apply to the cell.
Sets the value of a cell at the specified column index.
If this cell belongs to a merged cell region and it is the top-left cell of the region, getting and setting the value will get and set the value of the associated merged cell region. Getting the value of other cells in a merged cell region will always return null. Setting the value of other cells in a merged cell region will have no effect.
If a formula has been applied to the cell or a data table is associated with the cell, getting the Value will return the calculated value of the cell.
The types supported for the value are:
[[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'columnIndex' is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.
[[NotSupportedException]] The assigned value's type is not supported and can't be exported to Excel.
[[InvalidOperationException]] The value assigned is a [[Formula]]. Instead, [[Formula.applyTo]] should be called on the Formula, passing in the cell.
[[InvalidOperationException]] The value assigned is a [[WorksheetDataTable]]. Instead, the [[WorksheetDataTable.cellsInTable]] should be set to a region containing the cell.
[[InvalidOperationException]] The value assigned is a FormattedString which is the value another cell or merged cell region.
[[InvalidOperationException]] The value is assigned and this cell is part of an [[ArrayFormula]] or WorksheetDataTable.
[[InvalidOperationException]] If the row was removed from the worksheet.
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
The value to assign to the cell.
Returns a boolean indicating if the value of the cell is valid considering its associated [[WorksheetCell.dataValidationRule]]
The 0-based index of the cell within the [[WorksheetRow]].
Represents a row in a Microsoft Excel worksheet.